Thursday, January 2, 2020

Goldman s Critique Of Medical Paternalism - 882 Words

Goldman’s critique of medical paternalism demonstrates the right for patient autonomy and decision to choose a treatment best suited to their needs and interests. Initially, physicians would not announce any form of cancer to their patients, as it was believed to result in physiological distress. Luckily, medical paternalism continues to be rejected in medical situations; the topics of outcomes research, scientific evidence, and court decisions help correct patient decisions on the best treatment. Goldman based his beliefs on the fact that all doctors have knowledge of treatments; however in American society, not all physicians follow the same practice or know of every solution to a patient’s illness. In John Wennberg’s reading, Wennberg criticizes the irrationalities in the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) and comprises it in two key points: the weakness of poorly tested medical theories and a physician’s preference of treatment and position dominating over the choice of a patient (1, Wennberg, CC 2015 p. 21). Wennberg developed the idea of outcomes research, which is the results of research in the health care system based on patients and population. Urologists were interviewed in different locations of Maine based on the different practices on prostate disease. Some physicians recommended men to receive surgery earlier in order to improve health and to have a longer lifespan. Result showed that this practice was not only an untested hyp othesis, but it

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