Monday, December 16, 2019

American Education Reform Paper The Education System

American Education Reform Paper In the past, the learning system was non complex. Students invariably learned in classrooms. They would learn from and be educated by their teacher and grasped other facts from textbooks. The teachers would ask them questions and students would answer them to display they understood. Other information about other parts of the world, they learned from books. Throughout the years, the learning system changed. Issues or flaws in the system were addressed and improved. Different learning systems that were superior were invented for the purpose of improving the education of students. Every time the learning system surpasses the others, the students and world’s education exceeds. The quick changes and the increase of difficulties of the current world causes new challenges and needs of improvement in our education system. The American education system in the past and present has changed because of the issues and flaws found in it, because of those issues, the students do not have the knowledge they are required to have in college or a successful career.We are realizing we have to change the way our learning system functions to fit the way the world is now. To overcome the difficulties in our learning system, we have to look at the problems and how to improve it. Any strategies we use must deal with the multiple factors that affect the education system, the influence of its part, and the complicated interdependencies within it and its environment. TheShow MoreRelatedWelfare Reform913 Words   |  4 PagesAssistance to Needy Families Post-Secondary Reform movements have been so successful. We always hear about students dropping out of college or not going to college because they can’t afford the tuition. 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