Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Struggling Attempts of the Government and Police Essay...
The Struggling Attempts of the Government and Police For America Prohibition has been a struggle for her citizens with violence, police, and outraged citizens. Although prohibition has been considered a bad decision on the governments part, many great things have come out of it in which will be explained thoroughly and from both points of view. In 1920 January 26 at midnight the drinking, transporting, distribution, and consumption of alcohol came to a stop. At that time the 18th amendment was put into effect. In the eyes of the government it was at first a way to stop the criminal activity, but in reality it just made things worse for local police. The 18th amendment was known by multiple names partially due to its author, Andrew J.†¦show more content†¦People began to race on the weekends as well as souping up their cars for enjoyment. By the time prohibition ended in 1933, racing had become very popular. In 1944, NASCAR was created and more people joined in on the practic e of souping up their cars. The Attempts of the Big Man Instead of getting ride of criminal activity in the US with this Amendment, crime had arose to great proportions. In the first few hours of the Amendment there had been thousands of liquor store robbings. For the first time federal agents had been arrested for alcohol distribution. Even physicians began to give out phony prescriptions for the need of alcohol. After this was visible to the government they eventually allowed for the distribution of non-poisoned alcohol or simply non-alcoholic alcohol which was still not what the people wanted. Scar Face Prohibition was also a time where one of the most notorious gangsters known in America. Alfonso Capone or also known as Scar Face became very wealthy and powerful on prohibition. He was a very proud citizen of America who often said, â€Å"I am not Italian, I was born and raised in Brooklyn. He went to school with Salvatore Lucania who eventually became known as Lucky Luciano. At about the age of fourteen Capone and Lucania dropped out of school after Capone struck a teacher. After they dropped out they joined the gang known as the Five Pointers. They eventually went toShow MoreRelatedCommon And John Legend Did A Collaboration On The Song `` Glory ``1149 Words  | 5 Pagesare being oppressed by society as well as the government. The speaker’s perspective is coming from African Americans that are fed up with the injustice in today’s society and they would like to fight for their freedom, equality, glory, and respect. The speaker’s intended audience is African Americans, Caucasians, Law enforcers, and the government. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
American Education Reform Paper The Education System
American Education Reform Paper In the past, the learning system was non complex. Students invariably learned in classrooms. They would learn from and be educated by their teacher and grasped other facts from textbooks. The teachers would ask them questions and students would answer them to display they understood. Other information about other parts of the world, they learned from books. Throughout the years, the learning system changed. Issues or flaws in the system were addressed and improved. Different learning systems that were superior were invented for the purpose of improving the education of students. Every time the learning system surpasses the others, the students and world’s education exceeds. The quick changes and the increase of difficulties of the current world causes new challenges and needs of improvement in our education system. The American education system in the past and present has changed because of the issues and flaws found in it, because of those issues, the students do not have the knowledge they are required to have in college or a successful career.We are realizing we have to change the way our learning system functions to fit the way the world is now. To overcome the difficulties in our learning system, we have to look at the problems and how to improve it. Any strategies we use must deal with the multiple factors that affect the education system, the influence of its part, and the complicated interdependencies within it and its environment. TheShow MoreRelatedWelfare Reform913 Words  | 4 PagesAssistance to Needy Families Post-Secondary Reform movements have been so successful. We always hear about students dropping out of college or not going to college because they can’t afford the tuition. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Food and Beverage Management for Bioprocess- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theFood and Beverage Management for Bioproces Technology. Answer: Introduction Food and beverage industry is one of the rapidly growing industries all over the world. Its impossible for people to live without food since they depend on it from the very first age. This industry consists of two major parts which are the production and distribution of foods and beverages that are edible. Formulating strategies is a significant aspect of the food and beverage industry because it helps in planning and designing the sector in a way that it attracts customers as well as advertising itself (Green, Drake, Sweeney, 2011). Food and industry management is discussed and elaborated below . Designing and pricing of the product In a restaurant, different types of food are sold, and how the food is marketed determines the success of the restaurant. The restaurant may use better pricing for their food in order to lower competition in their field. Providing meals in a bundle by combining complementary such as soft drinks being served alongside a hot dog at a fixed rate but lower than when the products are offered independently (Ahmed, 2014). Another method of making a restaurant successful is by using specialty. This means making the restaurant to specialize in certain foods. For example, a restaurant can decide to provide only the fast foods such as chips, sandwiches, fried chicken, French fries, and pizza. The advantages of specialty include increased sales for the products and bringing more interested people together. They then become regular customers because they are assured of quality food and customer satisfaction. A restaurant can also decide to include other services that are appealing to customers su ch as in-room dining, conferences and event spaces (Chan Hsu, 2016). This will attract more customers and also increase the business profits. A customized menu can be an advertising strategy in hospitality management. A menu is an internal advertising instrument displayed to customers meant to inform them of the services provided in the food and beverage business. The importance of the menu includes; providing more information about the business, setting up the theme of the restaurants to accommodate all types of customers and it also gives the customers all the varieties so that they could make an informed choice. A good menu communicates the vision and the brand. It should point out the services the guests are about to receive in the hotel. Accessibility of the product Accessibility of the foods to customers should also be a priority for the restaurant to create a vast customer base and establishing loyal customers. The various Ways of being relevant and accessible to the customers include online ordering using mobile communication gadgets and providing delivery services to the customer. Another way of being easily accessible is through establishing a business presence on social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (Thayer, 2017). A restaurant should work towards transforming a one-time visit customer into a long-term customer. Connecting with customers Connecting with customers is the process through which restaurant employee interact with their customers. Connecting with the audience is one of the significant ways to sell a product. The connection should involve the right audience with the right services at the right time (Cousins et al., 2012). One of the ways to connect with customers is by listening and responding to their problems with patience and understanding. Valuing a customer is also a way of connecting with them as one appreciates them for visiting the hotel. Offering incentives to loyal customers make them feel recognized in the restaurant. In order to establish a loyal customer, the first impression is vital and also keeping track on their preferences and requirements. The management should endeavor to seek immediate feedback from clients especially through an online platform and then commit to respond and resolve accordingly (Lad, 2017). Marketers should also be aware of customers preference and do their best to sati sfy their needs. They should also consider the spending power of their customers and what they earn (Cousins et al., 2012). Connecting with customers is very important for creating a long-term customer relationship. Standard operating procedures Although the preferences of customers vary, marketers should try their best to provide quality products at all times. These can be done by formulating standard operating procedures that will ensure quality. First, the company should develop a list of business processes where the manager discusses with the employees about their duties and keep a record out of which redundancies are checked (Davis et al., 2018). A planning process is the second procedure either as workflow or how the managers desire it to be. Talking with employees is the third procedure since one cannot implement it alone. Reviewing the process is essential since it measures the functionality of the system. The system should now be maintained if it has positive results. Servicescape, ambience and product interiors Servicescape was advanced by Bitner and Boom to emphasize on the physical services that are offered to customers. It aims to learn about the behavior of the people within that specific environment (Davis et al., 2018). The services provided in a place can either attract or push back customers. In food and beverage business, it is important to include unique a Servicescape comprising of several elements such as color, music, scent and attracting layout design in the physical environment. Servicescape has strong effects on the consumption experiences. A service consumption experience and evaluation are a product of service encounter and Servicescape components. Studies show that Servicescape and service encounter are positively related to pleasure, arousal, and satisfaction (Lin and Mattila, 2010). Giving excellent products and services, creates a pleasant (clean and entertaining) environment that makes the customer enjoy, therefore, transforming him/her into a loyal customer. Training of employees Training of employees is significant in the service industry since it is the first step in customer satisfaction. With trained employees, there is surety of high production, and there will be no wastage of money or time. Untrained employees are inefficient thus producing products that are not of quality. Training provides skills on how to handle the customers and offer different good and services. Non-monetary rewards are incentives to employees to work hard thus increasing the industrial production (Kondakci, 2017). Promotion is a good example of a non-monetary motivation. This incites the workers to work hard, satisfying the customer leading to more profits. Recommendations There are global trends and changes happening in the world which the hospitality business ought to adopt, and it has different impacts on food and beverage and industry. These trends are geared towards providing satisfactory services while maximizing production and profits. Introduction and adoption of leveraging technology to improve guest experiences in their industries is an emerging global trend (Kondakci, 2017). Other trends include mobile integration where customers are utilizing the advancement in information technology that has given rise to the use of mobile gadgets. Additionally, the creation of an excellent reputation where customer satisfaction is given a priority is becoming an emerging trend in the food and beverage industry. This is influenced by the increased competition in the industry. The other trend is the increased focus on health and wellness offerings. Conclusion In conclusion, food and beverages businesses not only provide sustainability and convenience but also creates awareness of fitness and health (Riley, 2015). That is why their products should be of high quality and readily available to every part of the world. Due to the high competition in the industry, hospitality businesses are forced to adopt strategic measures in order to remain in the market. These strategies are customer satisfaction oriented. This, in turn, builds customer loyalty and consequently increased profits. The emerging trends witnessed in the food and beverage industry has been influenced by the strategic measures adopted by the different players in the industry. The new trends have seen the contemporary development that is witnessed in the industry. More innovation is expected to revolutionize the industry taking into account the integration of technology in the industry (Schmidt, 2010). Booking of hotels, ordering, and payment services have been automated courtesy of information technology advancement. References Ahmed, G. (April 03, 2014). Product Mix Pricing Strategies in Marketing. Study Lecture Notes. Available at: (Accessed April 21, 2018) Chan, E. S. W., Hsu, C. H. C. (May 09, 2016). Environmental management research in hospitality.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,28,5, 886-923. Cousins, J., Foskett, D., Gillespie, C. (2012). Food and beverage management. Pearson Education. Dall', A. Y. G., Cunha, J. L. C., Nardini, V., Lopes, V. G., Pessoa, J. D. C., Almeida, T. G. H. (December 01, 2015). Discrimination of Intact Fruit Using Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy and Linear Discriminant Analysis.Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,39,6, 2856-2865. Davis, B., Lockwood, A., Alcott, P., Pantelidis, I. S. (2018). Food and beverage management. Routledge. Green, E. F., Drake, G. G., Sweeney, F. J. (2011).Profitable food and beverage management. Rochelle Park, N.J: Hayden Book Co. Kondakci, T., Zhou, W. (March 01, 2017). Recent Applications of Advanced Control Techniques in Food Industry.Food and Bioprocess Technology: An International Journal,10,3, 522-542. Lad, K., (November 15, 2017). 8 Ways to Build Customer Loyalty for Hotel owners. Hotelogix. Available at: (Accessed April 21, 2018) Lin, I. Mattila, S. (Oct. 15, 2010). Restaurant Servicescape: Service Encounter and Perceived Congruency on Customers Emotions and Satisfaction. Taylor and Francis online. Available at: (Accessed April 21, 2018) Riley, M. (2015). Food and beverage management: A review of change. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 17(1), 88-93. Schmidt, A. (2010).Food and beverage management in hotels. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Thayer, H. (August 28, 2017). Keep them coming back: How to Encourage Repeat Restaurant Customers. Available at: (Accessed April 21, 2018)
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Slavery In The United States Essays - Slavery In The United States
Slavery in the United States In the history of the United States nothing has brought more shame to the face of America than the cold, premeditated method of keeping black people in captivity. People from England who migrated to America used many different methods to enslave black people and passed them down through the children. These methods were quite effective, so effective that these slaves were kept in captivity for over two hundred years in this country. It was the rain of terror that kept black people in fear of their lives for so long. The invention of the gun back in the fifth-teenth century was the main reason that these people were able to go to another continent and enslave so many people. These people from Africa were mistreated very badly right from the start both mentally and physically. They were packed very tightly on ships for months at a time chained to each other with no place to go to the bathroom, little water to drink, and hardly anything to eat. As the population constantly increased in the colonies during the 1600s, so did the demand for slavery especially in the southern colonies where the big plantations were. These plantations were very lucrative since the owners had free manual labor and they could keep all the profit from the crops for themselves. They also had to justify what they were doing to themselves so what they did was tell themselves that these slaves were barbaric and not smart enough to be civilized. These slave owners also owned huge houses in the middle of their plantations and thought of themselves as noblemen. In acuality, it was the slaves who were living nobly while the Europeans were living barbaricly. The Europeans who owned slaves also thought that the slaves were not smart enough because they could not speak English and they did not have a written language. This was proven not to be true either because the second generation of slaves learned the English language with no trouble at all. Once the sl aves started having children, the demand for slaves dropped while the market for selling slaves and their children went up. This was another way they kept slaves in slavery. If a person was born to a slave, he or she was automatically born into a life of slavery. The owners would also keep their slaves ignorant. They would not teach them how to read or write. If they could read, they would have been shocked to find that these colonists believed that every man is born with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They also would have known that these colonists left the last country that they were in for this same reason. Their ignorance to this fact is not what kept them in slavery for so though. What kept them obedient was the fact that they knew they would be made an example of if they tried to escape. Second of all, they had no where to escape to. It was not like they had a friends house to hide out in. They knew if they rebelled or acted up, they would be either beaten very badly with whips, punished by starving in the basement, or just shot. I am sure they all wanted to rebel, but they saw what happened to the ones who did rebel so most of them decided not to. As time went on, slaves were getting smarter and were learning how to read and write. They started learn that not all black people in the country were enslaved. By word of mouth or by reading, they started to learn that slavery did not exist up north. Then they started to learn that not every white person was out to get them if they knew that they were planning to escape. This was a very dangerous plan though. Some white people would actua lly help some slaves escape. This was called the Underground Railroad. Underground because it was kept a big secret from everyone because nobody could trust anybody back then because you would never know who would snitch and who wouldnt. The railroad part was a string of houses of white
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