Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Analysis Of Multidisciplinary Counter Intelligence Essay -- essays res

The United States today is becoming more and more dependant upon technological developments to gather intelligence. The â€Å"secret agents† of yesterday are very close to being obsolete. With technology becoming the prime source of intelligence gathering, there is an assumption that other countries are gathering intelligence in similar ways. The only way to combat intelligence gathering against the United States is to know what technological intelligence collection resources are being used for gathering information. This is the job of Multidisciplinary Counterintelligence (MDCI). How does the government know that lines are secure from signals intelligence of foreign adversaries? One of the main tasks of MDCI is the â€Å"communication line† of the American Government. Radio waves can easily be detected with the right equipment anywhere within the area, and even microwaves can be detected with a receiver in the right place. MDCI combats these problems with encryption for messages and secure lines for voice communication. The encryption process is found on the governments SIPRnet web, which is used for the transfer of classified information only. For voice communications, the government uses secured lines that will scramble communications into meaningless sounds or scratches. The only problem with these types of devices is that they cannot be located just anywhere and can be very expensive to maintain; furthermore, facilities must be able to support these classified mediums. With all o...

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