Monday, August 26, 2019

Annotated bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Annotated bibliography - Essay Example ProQuest. Web. Oct 19, 2012. This study points out some inconsistency in human resource management (HRM) perspectives from a business standpoint. As researchers at the University of Strathclyde, the authors propose formal systems, specifically designed to improve the effectiveness of HRM in order to achieve better business practices and then corporate expansion. This research is very relevant because it calls for the implementation of more effective human resource management models fundamental to the success of any business. Indeed, efficient HRM models are necessary to the required performance of businesses. This article will be used in my paper because it exposes the limitations in HRM and demonstrates the need to set up better models. Fisscher, Olaf, and Andre Nijhof. â€Å"Research and Concepts: Implications of Business Ethics for Quality Management.† The TQM Magazine 17.2 (2005): 150-61. ProQuest. Web. Oct 19, 2012. In this article, Olaf Fisscher and Andre Nijhof, both re searchers at the University of Twente, in the Netherland, explore the relationship between business ethics and quality management. The authors demonstrate that even though business ethics and quality management have different origins, they both deal with issues of responsibility. In addition, the article presents the link between them and what quality management can learn from business ethics. The argument presented in this study is very valid because quality management goes with business ethics in order to achieve good results. The presence of responsibility in both fields reveals the importance of moral values in business management. This study will bring a valuable contribution to my paper because it labels the lack of responsibility as a serious weakness in the business sector. Gronholdt, Lars, and Anne Martensen. â€Å"Management Practices Driving Sustained Business Success.† Measuring Business Excellence 13.1 (2009): 48-58. ProQuest. Web. Oct 19, 2012. Lars Gronholdt an d Anne Martensen analyze the way different managerial practices provide sustainable and profitable growth in Danish companies. The authors, researchers at the Copenhagen Business School, present a variety of managerial tools and techniques that companies need to implement in order to achieve high performance. They also invite companies to clearly distinguish the common managerial practices that guarantee a successful business. The authors make a meaningful point in calling for selecting the best managerial tools to ensure good performance. The ability for businesses to identify the best practices allows them to make profit and ensure growth. This article will be very helpful to my paper because not all managerial tools can bring success, and it belongs to managers to choose the best. Gulledge, Thomas R. Jr., and Rainer A. Sommer. â€Å"Business Process Management: Public Sector Management.† Business Process Management Journal 8.4 (2002): 364-77. ProQuest. Web. Oct 19, 2012. R esearchers at George Mason University, Thomas R. Gulledge Jr. and Rainer A. Sommer draw readers’ attention to the difficulties in the management of the public sector. For them, much of the research has been directed toward business process management whereas the public sector management has not received much attention. This study focuses on the need to

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