Thursday, August 15, 2019

Active involvement through the study circle Essay

Introduction The Study Circle is a dynamic process wherein the experience and participation of the participants makes up the educational method for this program. Since its beginnings, it has been identified as an emancipatory method of teaching wherein a democratic arena for learning is present especially for young adults. The idea underlying this is that learning could be acquired through sharing of participating members (Putu, 2006). History of Study Circle Aiming at transforming his country, a place wherein widespread poverty and a great gap between the poor and rich exist, Oscar Olsson arrived at America in 1893. Olson is searching for a form of education or method that would be beneficial to transforming his country into a place where justice and liberty work side by side with democracy in order for its people to educate or learn by themselves (Andrews, 1997). Olsson soon found out what he was looking for in America in an unlikely place, an adult education movement sponsored by the Chautauqua literary and scientific circle. From this adult education movement, Olsson was able to discover a form of education called Study Circle and is being referred today as the â€Å"education by the people, for the people and of the people† (Andrews, 1997). After learning or finding out about the Study Circle, Olsson came back to his country which is Sweden and here he began to write a series of report about the Study Circle and incorporated his own theories and ideas about the method. At this time, Oscar Olsson principles and views are influenced heavily by John Dewey and it is known that he has the same philosophical, theoretical and practical approach to education to Tao Xingzhi and Yan Yangchu, both considered as scholars who were also influenced by Dewey’s teaching and principles (Persson, 2006). Olsson’s ideals made way for the creation of Sweden Study Circle in 1902 in the Lund branch of the International Order of Good Templar. First of its kind, the Study Circle emphasize four key areas concerning the Study Circle (Persson, 2006). They are the following: 1) In order for everyone to join the Study Circle, the program must be cheap and in doing so, no one would be desist in joining or participating in the program because of economic reason. 2) The method must be simple that everyone won’t have a hard time participating in the discussion regardless of educational background or schooling. 3) Participants shall meet as equals and have equal possibilities to voice out their opinions about their studies regardless of their social status or background. 4) Lastly, the library and books will play an important role in the education of the participants (Persson, 2006). For Olsson, the Study Circle is a method of organizing studies which focuses on the idea that every participant should educate himself. Study Circle educates its participants by letting them choose their own literature and actively communicating with other participants using their own knowledge during groups discussion and meetings. In doing so, Study Circle was known as forum of democracy, in which participants were held responsible for the contents and the method (Persson, 2006). Olsson also incorporated in the Study Circle the joy of learning. He reasoned out that by spending time and energy on education, the brain will get a strong impression that knowledge is pleasure. Furthermore, Olsson agreed that continuous education and questioning could only be supplied by a stable atmosphere and spirit (Persson, 2006). Review of Related Literature Basic Principles Underlying Study Circles Derived from the ideas of Oscar Olsson, didactic principles that emphasize the role of members in a group were laid down to ensure that the Study Circle would function and work according to its purpose (Brattset, 1982). The principles describe the method as an active process, wherein knowledge will be realized into actions and social changes that could promote development. According to Kindstorm (2002), the method espouses the following principles: 1) Equality and democracy – The principles of democracy and equality allow the members to work hand in hand by allowing the exchange of views and information through dialogues and conversation. 2) Change and action – Being responsible for the education of their fellow members, education on Study Circle won’t just be concern on education but also the development of each member. 3) Study Materials – Books and Libraries will play the role of teachers, as they will be the source of new knowledge and information for the members. What subject to learn or book to read will be decided upon by the members. 4) Freedom and the objectives of Study Circle – Study Circle emphasize the idea that freedom comes with responsibility. The members will have to work in accordance with organization’s framework while carrying out their educational duties and work. 5) Experiences and Co-operation – their will be no competing inside Study Circle and every members walk side by side with each other in trying to educate not only themselves but also their fellow members. Their experience and knowledge before entering the program will bring in new ideas and concept. 6) Active participation and continuous planning – Determining the education level inside a Study Circle will depend on how active the members will be in the program. It is through participating that members will have the chance to voice out their opinion and individual knowledge in front of other members and from this, learning from other people begins. Study Circle is built upon the active participation of its members. Furthermore, individuals may learn best by setting up objectives and goals that will serve as their guide during the program. Although things might have changed because of the year gap, Olsson’s ideas set the standard for future Study Circles. Although other ideas came after the first Study Circle was created, the principles that Olsson established were able to ensure that Study Circles will work as he envisioned them (Kindstorm, 2002).

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