Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Training Incentives Essay Example for Free
Training Incentives Essay Training incentives helps employers meet the cost of training their staff. The funding helps to ensure that there is continued supply of qualified people. The employers use training incentives to assist employees who have no formal qualifications. Managers and supervisors are also trained in order to develop management and supervision skills. Trainees can be of any age and on any pay scale and training can be done during work hours or outside business hours. (Tuscon, 1994 pp32) Different Training Styles Self motivated style – training is thought of in terms of the practical results, the trainer likes direct results from training. He is assertive whereby he does not hesitate to express his views and disapproval when the training session is going on. The participants who are being trained are attentive and avoid embarrassing the trainer who is in control of the training. Informal and expressive style – the trainees make contribution to the session freely and openly express themselves in a personal and friendly way. They ensure the training session is informal and open to everyone. The trainer tries to avoid discussions that are unnecessary and are tactful in the way they direct communicators to the materials that are supposed to be used for training. (Brooks, 1999 pp13-15). Analytical style – here the trainer is dealing with interpreters whose main concern accuracy and detail. They do not accept information that is not backed by facts. The trainer will command subject matter to be used for him to retain credibility when dealing with individuals of this type. Readiness of different people to accept the information given to them will depend on the way that information is presented to them. Some people do not understand easily unless there are clear facts presented. In providing effective training the trainer should know how to help the audience accept the information given to them. There are also contemplators who always think about new ideas and concepts. They seek time to consider them and their special effects. The trainer will need to know the suitable pace for delivering the course material to ensure that they are able to understand what is being taught with ease. If they require more time for them to understand the concepts the trainer should be patient enough. (Eisman, 1995 pp32-35). What Works For Particular Employees When there are new employees in any organization, a worker mentor assist them to learn the job. Once the new employee is familiar with the job and can do it well without assistance, he can be left to continue working on his own. This is very important because, even if the new employee has qualified for the job, there is need for him to get experienced with new work environment. The supervisor monitors work performance to ensure that all the assigned duties are done well. A co-worker can help new worker get to know how to socialize with other workers and help him to make use of orientation training for him to make practical use of what he was taught during orientation. If there is any issue that was not understood during orientation, a co-worker can assist in answering any question that might arise. Employee assistant program assist particular employees to improve his job performance, get familiar to the work environment and make use of employment policies and adapt to changes on how some jobs are supposed to be performed in order for employees to do the job successfully. (Janak, 1997 pp345-349). Environmental support which includes physical structures and surrounding objects make the job site to be accessible for current and future employees. For example, automatic door openers that assists employees to move from one department to another. Procedural support activities help employees perform jobs and related job functions. Flexible time allows employees work within hours that are conducive to their personal lives. (Clement, 1995 pp53-58). Different Job Functions If essential functions require employees to have physical abilities or communication abilities for example frequent contact with people, this requires verbal communication for information to be conveyed or writing. If duties are performed in various locations, frequent travel is required and a driving license. Job descriptions contain statement that, jobs other than the ones enumerated can be assigned to employees which should be reasonably related to the assigned position. Duties and responsibilities should outline basic components of activities to be performed, scope of the assigned responsibility and level of authority and who is responsible. Each task should have a process that shows what methods are used, procedure followed when performing the task and the tools to be used. It should show how often the task should be performed. The expected outcome should be indicated which shows the acceptable quality of work. (Reynolds, 1997 pp40-45). Essential functions are the fundamental duties employees must be able to perform. Job function is considered essential when there is a position for that function to be performed, the number of employees is limited for distribution of the job function and the function is highly specialized and requires experts to perform it. Employee Training Retention And Feedback Employee training retention helps reduce the staff turnover rates which waste a lot of time, very costly and affects the success of business in the long run. The key component of retaining superior employees is to allow them to express themselves freely and give out ideas and opinions. Chief executive officers should be good listeners and collect feedback from employees. Supervisors should recognize employees’ problems and deal with them in an appropriate manner. (Peterson, 1999 pp15-17). Managing turnover maintains quality of work performed by experienced employees. Training expert who have track record should cause cultural change, improve organization productivity and be trusted by employees and management. Strategic plan should be implemented on how to conduct pre and post training survey and make follow up in order to ensure employee are productive. Talent management strategy sustains the organization and an action plan guarantees the continuity of the organization in future. Effective feedback survey design should be delivered with extensive resources and impressive reporting capabilities. Human resource department should fully staff in order to solve issues of human relations and offer standardized training. In order to assess staff climate, satisfaction survey should be done annually. New starter feedback should be done after four weeks to know employees perception on the effectiveness of recruitment and the process of induction and know the ideas they have for improvement.                       Recruitment process feedback should be done immediately after recruitment is over and send short post placement survey to the manager responsible for hiring within one week after appointment. Analysis for training need should be done to know the training opportunities that the staff need. Post training feedback helps to know how staff valued training sessions. This can also be done by testing the staff knowledge in certain subject after the training session is over by giving them a short post training quiz. (Phillips, 1996 pp45-47) Best Practices                       Employer should ensure the work place is safe for all employees so that they can be able to apply their knowledge to improve the quality of work performed in the organization. Financial rewards should be given to employees based on their performance for them to be motivated to continue working hard. Performance standards should be set for all employees without favor or discrimination. Employees should be able and willing to employ all what brings best results. (Tuscon, 1994 pp30-31) Challenges                       Competition from other firms in the same line of business and labor shortages make employees work for long hours and harder and have more responsibilities. Modern training need is also demanded in order to reflect the changes in lifestyle. Organizations do not afford use of classrooms for training because; it involves traveling and lodging expenses. Productivity is reduced and revenue is low due to time spent while traveling.                       Organization needs to improve performance of employees and retain them, this call for an organization to offer ongoing education and training in order to benefit from a work force that has better skills and have increased rate of employee retention. In order to keep training updated, knowledge and skills should be provided by managers rapidly. this requires organization to add more organization training mix. (Arkin, 1995 pp36). REFERENCES: Tuscon M. (1994): outdoor training for employee effectiveness: London Institute of Personnel Management, pp 30-32. Eisman R. (1995): incentives excellent adventure: Incentive, pp32-35. Clement C. (1995): The Ins and Outs of experimental training: Training and development, pp53-56. Arkin A. (1995). Breathing fresh air into training: people management, pp35-36. Alder A. (1995): Changing outdoor vision: Management training, pp21-23. Phillips J. (1996): the search for best practices, training and development: ROI, pp45-47. Peterson B. (1999): measuring impact of learning and performance. The Franklin, pp15-17. Reynolds M. (1997): management learning: London Sage, pp40-45. Janak E. (1997): A meta analysis of the relationship among training criteria; personnel psychology; pp345-349. Brooks H. (1999): Designing and facilitating experimental learning: thousand oak, pp 13-15.
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