Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Foundation and Empire 24. Convert
The thin life of Trantor trickled to nothing when they entered among the wide-spaced buildings of the University grounds. There was a solemn and lonely silence over it. The strangers of the Foundation knew nothing of the swirling days and nights of the bloody Sack that had left the University untouched. They knew nothing of the time after the collapse of the Imperial power, when the students, with their borrowed weapons, and their pale-faced inexperienced bravery, formed a protective volunteer army to protect the central shrine of the science of the Galaxy. They knew nothing of the Seven Days Fight, and the armistice that kept the University free, when even the Imperial palace clanged with the boots of Gilmer and his soldiers, during the short interval of their rule. Those of the Foundation, approaching for the first time, realized only that in a world of transition from a gutted old to a strenuous new this area was a quiet, graceful museum-piece of ancient greatness. They were intruders in a sense. The brooding emptiness rejected them. The academic atmosphere seemed still to live and to stir angrily at the disturbance. The library was a deceptively small building which broadened out vastly underground into a mammoth volume of silence and reverie. Ebling Mis paused before the elaborate murals of the reception room. He whispered – one had to whisper here: â€Å"I think we passed the catalog rooms back a way. I'll stop there.†His forehead was flushed, his hand trembling, â€Å"I mustn't be disturbed, Toran. Will you bring my meals down to me?†â€Å"Anything you say. We'll do all we can to help. Do you want us to work under you-â€Å" â€Å"No. I must be alone-â€Å" â€Å"You think you will get what you want.†And Ebling Mis replied with a soft certainty, â€Å"I know I will!†Toran and Bayta came closer to â€Å"setting up housekeeping†in normal fashion than at any time in their year of married life. It was a strange sort of â€Å"housekeeping.†They lived in the middle of grandeur with an inappropriate simplicity. Their food was drawn largely from Lee Senter's farm and was paid for in the little nuclear gadgets that may be found on any Trader's ship. Magnifico taught himself how to use the projectors in the library reading room, and sat over adventure novels and romances to the point where he was almost as forgetful of meals and sleep as was Ebling Mis. Ebling himself was completely buried. He had insisted on a hammock being slung up for him in the Psychology Reference Room. His face grew thin and white. His vigor of speech was lost and his favorite curses had died a mild death. There were times when the recognition of either Toran or Bayta seemed a struggle. He was more himself with Magnifico who brought him his meals and often sat watching him for hours at a time, with a queer, fascinated absorption, as the aging psychologist transcribed endless equations, cross-referred to endless book-films, scurried endlessly about in a wild mental effort towards an end he alone saw. Toran came upon her in the darkened room, and said sharply, â€Å"Bayta!†Bayta started guiltily. â€Å"Yes? You want me, Torie?†â€Å"Sure I want you. What in Space are you sitting there for? You've been acting all wrong since we got to Trantor. What's the matter with you?†â€Å"Oh, Torie, stop,†she said, wearily. And â€Å"Oh, Torie, stop!†he mimicked impatiently. Then, with sudden softness, â€Å"Won't you tell me what's wrong, Bay? Something's bothering you.†â€Å"No! Nothing is, Torie. If you keep on just nagging and nagging, you'll have me mad. I'm just – thinking.†â€Å"Thinking about what?†â€Å"About nothing. Well, about the Mule, and Haven, and the Foundation, and everything. About Ebling Mis and whether he'll find anything about the Second Foundation, and whether it will help us when he does find it – and a million other things. Are you satisfied?†Her voice was agitated. â€Å"If you're just brooding, do you mind stopping? It isn't pleasant and it doesn't help the situation.†Bayta got to her feet and smiled weakly. â€Å"All right. I'm happy. See, I'm smiling and jolly. â€Å" Magnifico's voice was an agitated cry outside. â€Å"My lady-â€Å" â€Å"What is it? Come-â€Å" Bayta's voice choked off sharply when the opening door framed the large, hard-faced- â€Å"Pritcher,†cried Toran. Bayta gasped, â€Å"Captain! How did you find us?†Han Pritcher stepped inside. His voice was clear and level, and utterly dead of feeling, â€Å"My rank is colonel now – under the Mule.†â€Å"Under the†¦ Mule!†Toran's voice trailed off. They formed a tableau there, the three. Magnifico stared wildly and shrank behind Toran. Nobody stopped to notice him. Bayta said, her hands trembling in each other's tight grasp, â€Å"You are arresting us? You have really gone over to them?†The colonel replied quickly, â€Å"I have not come to arrest you. My instructions make no mention of you. With regard to you, I am free, and I choose to exercise our old friendship, if you will let me.†Toran's face was a twisted suppression of fury, â€Å"How did you find us? You were in the Filian ship, then? You followed us?†The wooden lack of expression on Pritcher's face might have flickered in embarrassment. â€Å"I was on the Filian ship! I met you in the first place†¦ well†¦ by chance.†â€Å"It is a chance that is mathematically impossible.†â€Å"No. Simply rather improbable, so my statement will have to stand. In any case, you admitted to the. Filians – there is, of course, no such nation as Filia actually – that you were heading for the Trantor sector, and since the Mule already had his contacts upon Neotrantor, it was easy to have you detained there. Unfortunately, you got away before I arrived, but not long before. I had time to have the farms on Trantor ordered to report your arrival. It was done and I am here. May I sit down? I come in friendliness, believe me. He sat. Toran bent his head and thought futilely. With a numbed lack of emotion, Bayta prepared tea. Toran looked up harshly. â€Å"Well, what are you waiting for – colonel? What's your friendship? If it's not arrest, what is it then? Protective custody? Call in your men and give your orders.†Patiently, Pritcher shook his head. â€Å"No, Toran. I come of my own will to speak to you, to persuade you of the uselessness of what you are doing. If I fail I shall leave. That is all.†â€Å"That is all? Well, then peddle your propaganda, give us your speech, and leave. I don't want any tea, Bayta.†Pritcher accepted a cup, with a grave word of thanks. He looked at Toran with a clear strength as he sipped lightly. Then he said, â€Å"The Mule is a mutant. He can not be beaten in the very nature of the mutation-â€Å" â€Å"Why? What is the mutation?†asked Toran, with sour humor. â€Å"I suppose you'll tell us now, eh?†â€Å"Yes, I will. Your knowledge won't hurt him. You see – he is capable of adjusting the emotional balance of human beings. It sounds like a little trick, but it's quite unbeatable.†Bayta broke in, â€Å"The emotional balance?†She frowned, â€Å"Won't you explain that? I don't quite understand.†â€Å"I mean that it is an easy matter for him to instill into a capable general, say, the emotion of utter loyalty to the Mule and complete belief in the Mule's victory. His generals are emotionally controlled. They can not betray him; they can not weaken – and the control is permanent. His most capable enemies become his most faithful subordinates, The warlord of Kalgan surrenders his planet and becomes his viceroy for the Foundation.†â€Å"And you,†added Bayta, bitterly, â€Å"betray your cause and become Mule's envoy to Trantor. I see!†â€Å"I haven't finished. The Mule's gift works in reverse even more effectively. Despair is an emotion! At the crucial moment, keymen on the Foundation – keymen on Haven – despaired. Their worlds fell without too much struggle.†â€Å"Do you mean to say,†demanded Bayta, tensely, â€Å"that the feeling I had in the Time Vault was the Mule juggling my emotional control.†â€Å"Mine, too. Everyone's. How was it on Haven towards the end?†Bayta turned away. Colonel Pritcher continued earnestly, â€Å"As it works for worlds, so it works for individuals. Can you fight a force which can make you surrender willingly when it so desires; can make you a faithful servant when it so desires?†Toran said slowly, â€Å"How do I know this is the truth?†â€Å"Can you explain the fall of the Foundation and of Haven otherwise? Can you explain my conversion otherwise? Think, man! What have you – or I – or the whole Galaxy accomplished against the Mule in all this time? What one little thing?†Toran felt the challenge, â€Å"By the Galaxy, I can!†With a sudden touch of fierce satisfaction, he shouted, â€Å"Your wonderful Mule had contacts with Neotrantor you say that were to have detained us, eh? Those contacts are dead or worse. We killed the crown prince and left the other a whimpering idiot. The Mule did not stop us there, and that much has been undone.†â€Å"Why, no, not at all. Those weren't our men. The crown prince was a wine-soaked mediocrity. The other man, Commason, is phenomenally stupid. He was a power on his world but that didn't prevent him from being vicious, evil, and completely incompetent. We had nothing really to do with them. They were, in a sense, merely feints-â€Å" â€Å"It was they who detained us, or tried.†â€Å"Again, no. Commason had a personal slave – a man called Inchney. Detention was his policy. He is old, but will serve our temporary purpose. You would not have killed him, you see.†Bayta whirled on him. She had not touched her own tea. â€Å"But, by your very statement, your own emotions have been tampered with. You've got faith and belief in the Mule, an unnatural, a diseased faith in the Mule. Of what value are your opinions? You've lost all power of objective thought.†â€Å"You are wrong.†Slowly, the colonel shook his head. â€Å"Only my emotions are fixed. My reason is as it always was. It may be influenced in a certain direction by my conditioned emotions, but it is not forced. And there are some things I can see more clearly now that I am freed of my earlier emotional trend. â€Å"I can see that the Mule's program is an intelligent and worthy one. In the time since I have been – converted, I have followed his career from its start seven years ago. With his mutant mental power, he began by winning over a condottiere and his band. With that – and his power – he won a planet. With that – and his power – he extended his grip until he could tackle the warlord of Kalgan. Each step followed the other logically. With Kalgan in his pocket, he had a first-class fleet, and with that – and his power – he could attack the Foundation. â€Å"The Foundation is the key. It is the greatest area of industrial concentration in the Galaxy, and now that the nuclear techniques of the Foundation are in his hands, he is the actual master of the Galaxy. With those techniques – and his power – he can force the remnants of the Empire to acknowledge his rule, and eventually – with the death of the old emperor, who is mad and not long for this world – to crown him emperor. He will then have the name as well as the fact. With that – and his power – where is the world in the Galaxy that can oppose him? â€Å"In these last seven years, he has established a new Empire. In seven years, in other words, he will have accomplished what all Seldon's psychohistory could not have done in less than an additional seven hundred. The Galaxy will have peace and order at last. â€Å"And you could not stop it – any more than you could stop a planet's rush with your shoulders.†A long silence followed Pritcher's speech. What remained of his tea had grown cold. He emptied his cup, filled it again, and drained it slowly. Toran bit viciously at a thumbnail. Bayta's face was cold, and distant, and white. Then Bayta said in a thin voice, â€Å"We are not convinced. If the Mule wishes us to be, let him come here and condition us himself. You fought him until the last moment of your conversion, I imagine, didn't you?†â€Å"I did,†said Colonel Pritcher, solemnly. â€Å"Then allow us the same privilege.†Colonel Pritcher arose. With a crisp air of finality, he said, â€Å"Then I leave. As I said earlier, my mission at present concerns you in no way. Therefore, I don't think it will be necessary to report your presence here. That is not too great a kindness. If the Mule wishes you stopped, he no doubt has other men assigned to the job, and you will be stopped. But, for what it is worth, I shall not contribute more than my requirement.†â€Å"Thank you,†said Bayta faintly. â€Å"As for Magnifico. Where is he? Come out, Magnifico, I won't hurt you-â€Å" â€Å"What about him?†demanded Bayta, with sudden animation. â€Å"Nothing. My instructions make no mention of him, either. I have heard that he is searched for, but the Mule will find him when the time suits him. I shall say nothing. Will you shake hands?†Bayta shook her head. Toran glared his frustrated contempt. There was the slightest lowering of the colonel's iron shoulders. He strode to the door, turned and said: â€Å"One last thing. Don't think I am not aware of the source of your stubbornness. It is known that you search for the Second Foundation. The Mule, in his time, will take his measures. Nothing will help you – But I knew you in other times; perhaps there is something in my conscience that urged me to this; at any rate, I tried to help you and remove you from the final danger before it was too late. Good-by.†He saluted sharply – and was gone. Bayta turned to a silent Toran, and whispered, â€Å"They even know about the Second Foundation.†In the recesses of the library, Ebling Mis, unaware of all, crouched under the one spark of light amid the murky spaces and mumbled triumphantly to himself.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Pro-Forma Statements Essay
B1. Analyze Simulation Results A budget is a financial plan which is expressed in real numbers, typically in monetary units, which set the expectations for the expenses the company will incur to reach its goals, and management objectives. A good budget uses forecasts to determine what amounts should be used to reach desired efficiency and profitability. Budgets can be used to determine whether a not a process is working effectively, whether or not changes in operations need to be made in order to reach goals, and can help solve problems before they occur and help make changes when necessary. Budgets are important because they provide a quantitative measurement to establish goals, coordinate efforts and departments, and help to realize changes are needed before problems occur. Budgets should be broken down into fragments (short term, mid-term, and long term) which will allow for more precise measurement of the success of a project, allow for changes to be made before moving onto new projects, and to expand on goals when appropriate. By setting short term budget goals and reaching them it helps to ensure that the company is on pace to reach its long term objectives. Budgets need to be revised whenever they no longer useful for planning and control purposes. Anytime there are major changes in the processes or operations the budgets will also need to be revised. Budget figures should be measured frequently to ensure they are still reasonable and that the company is still on track to reach its goals. A Pro-Forma Statement is defined as â€Å"a financial statements prepared on the basis of some assumed events and transactions that have not yet occurred.†(Ralph Estes). Unlike Historical Financial Statements which use real scientific information and are based on facts, Pro-Forma Financial Statements use assumptions to help forecast the future and allow for the use of creativity and flexibility. Pro-Forma Financial Statements are similar to Historical Financial Statements in look and content, both use the same major financial statements including the income statement and the balance sheet, but the Pro-Forma Financial Statement allows for changes to be made in the volatile environment. Pro-Forma Statements are important because they provide the needed information to track progress towards goals. They are based on historic figures so they do provide realistic projections while still allowing for adjustments as needed. Typically a long collection of historic data is used to produce a Pro-Forma Income statement; since the company I created was a start up our information was limited there was even more of a reliance on projections to complete my statements. In the first quarter I had start up factory expenses of $430,000 and spent $120,000 on market research. I had gained $3,000 in interest from a small deposit into a short term CD. I had invested $1,100,000 for fixed plant capacity. Of the $2,000,000 of initial capital $547,000 was used for start-up expenses leaving the company with $1,453,000 in current assets. Important decisions had to be made during Quarter 1 in order to make my projections and set my budgets and expectations. First I had to choose what products to manufacture. I wanted to look for two segments which had some similar wants and needs. By developing two products for two segments with similar wants and needs the hope was that I would be pay off later in saving manufacturing costs by utilizing customization of parts, decrease training costs, cut down on salary expense by having a sales force that could be knowledgeable with both products, and would allow the company to provide better service after the sale. The decisions were all based upon the market research which had been done providing the wants and needs of the segments as well as the price willing to pay, the 12 month demand, and the demand per city. By performing some simple calculations (i.e. price willing to pay X Demand / cost to produce) I was able to make an informed decisions on the two products I wanted to deve lop, where I wanted to set up shop, the size of my sales force, as well as the amount of inventory to produce. I decided to manufacture two products which I felt met the needs of two specific groups. The first group was decided upon due to the quantity of the demand. I felt around this product I could better reach my goal of utilizing an employee empowerment strategy, being able to utilize work cells due to less technical processes and needs, be able to take advantage of customization of parts, and also be able to offer better service after the sales due to increased employee knowledge of the product and the service needed. I decided to focus my efforts on the Workhorse and the Traveler markets. Both markets had similar needs and the products would only need to differ in portability. The market was large and although the desired price would be lower, the higher demand would help generate profit. The hope was to build the distinction of being the low price leader while still providing a reliable product and providing excellent service after the sale. By setting proper starting budgets and being able to adjust accordingly by utilizing the pro-forma statements I was able to make sound financial decisions throughout the simulation. I never had to use emergency loans so I was able to avoid that penalty and cost. By using the statements was even able to make small investments and earn some interest off of those funds. Being a startup company I was very conservative with my investments so I could ensure I would not incur those costs. At the end of the 4th quarter my ending cash balance was over 4 million dollars. This allows for great expansion and higher sales as well as the ability to invest more funds and take advantage of additional interest income. Without the use of the statements and the budget it would not have been possible to monitor the spending and make informed decisions. The Pro-Forma statements and budgets were used to make decisions throughout the entire simulation. Each Quarter I began by examining the cash flow statement. This allowed me to make proper decisions based on the Firm’s solvency as well as my company’s potential for growth. At the beginning of Quarter 1 I had $0 in my beginning cash balance. Thus it was necessary to sell common stock. $2 million dollars were raised through the sale of common stock. It was very important to use my income statements, original budgets, and monitoring my balance sheet. $1.1 million of the funds would be used to invest in my fixed plant capacity in order to reach the needed production levels. With the funds on hand I was only able to open 2 sales offices. I chose the locations based on the projected sales demand, the allotted funds in the budget, and the money left in the cash flow. The two offices cost $430,000 to start up and would also cost a total of $220,000 per quarter for lease. After setting up the Plant capacity and the Sales Offices I had $470,000 dollars left. I still needed funds for Research and Development to ensure that I was making proper decisions and to help guide my decisions in future quarters. I decided to spend $120,000 on research and development. This left me $350,000 in excess cash. I decided to invest a portion of it but was careful using my Pro-Forma statements to ensure that I would not run into the cost of emergency cash loans. $200,000 was placed into a conservative short term C.D. which earned me $3,000 in interest income. The $3,000 and the excess $150,000 would be carried over into the next quarter. The same techniques were used every decision every quarter. Any time I made a decision it was based on my cash flow, income statements and demand projections. Lessons were learned from these decisions, more funding into research and development needed to be used early in the simulation. The result of the poor planning led to the expense of products needing to be redesigned. The carry over equipment had to be sold for salvage value and additional funding needed to be raised to develop the new products. With the proper products in place for the market demand the profits would have been much larger for my company. B2a. Just-in-time Just in Time operations is basically a system which helps force problem solving and drives down start-up costs and inventory costs by initiating a pull system driven by consumer demand and reducing inventory to meet the customer’s needs only when the customer has that need. If the product is not available at the time of demand a problem is found and improvements need to be made. This is very important to any company but especially for a start-up company who really need to watch their cash flow to avoid any emergency loans and the cost and fees associated with them. In my projections I had to take into account the demand of the segments in the cities decided to serve and make educated estimates on how much to produce based on those calculations. There were still questions which needed to be answered which led to less aggressive manufacturing; would my advertising efforts convey the right message to my target audience? Would my choices on where to advertise be successful on reaching my target audience? Would my product designs and branding fit the needs of my customers or would new products need to be developed? The answers to these questions could lead to major adjustments to our entire process and if not done well could lead to an excess of unused inventory which would only be able to recover a small part of the cost it took to develop them. Estimates were made based on the projected sales demands of the markets. Fixed capacity, sales force decisions, and of course inventory decisions were made based on these projections. The idea of course was to have the perfect amount of inventory available to my customers at the exact time they needed them, with very little cost from carrying over unused inventory. Proper use of a Just-in-time strategy could have saved me money and helped expand my company’s growth. During the manufacturing process a Just-in-time strategy would’ve have uncovered the need to increase production to meet my customers’ demand as the products were being â€Å"pulled through†the assembly process. The improper use of the JIT strategy resulted in a loss of 278 Venture II customers and 143 customers of Quest II. The result of these lost customers was $578,453 in profit. By properly utilizing the strategy profits could have been even higher and future growth could have increased. Going forward it will be important to utilize the performance of the past year and make better decisions to provide for a better customer experience. Fortunately after the losses occurred decisions were made to make sure it did not happen again throughout the simulation. A good Just-In-Time strategy would have allowed the mistakes to be caught prior to having to absorb the losses and the poor customer experiences. B2b. Lean Operations Lean operations work hand in hand with making J.I.T. effective. By definition lean operations are used to understand customer’s needs and then to stock and prepare appropriately based on said needs. In my project this was done by successful forecasting based on potential demand of the customers in the given areas and based on the chosen products. By basing our inventory on a lean operations focus the company will be able to decrease the costs of waste in it’s operations, both in unused inventory and the cost of storing excess inventory. B3. Applicability of Work Cells versus Traditional Straight Line Method An effective layout design strategy is important because the decision alone can help decide the efficiency of production as well as help to determine a firm’s competitive advantage. How will the firm be looking to set itself apart? Will it be through differentiation, low cost, or response? Will the company’s priorities focus on capacity, processes, flexibility, and/or cost, etc.? In its very basic form an effective layout design will improve efficiency by better utilizing space, people, and machinery, improving communication, improving inspection, and by allowing for flexibility. Work Cells are specially arranged groups of workers and workstations designed to make the production of a single product or group of related products more efficient by allowing workers to have more reach in the work area, allow for immediate inspection of complete product, fewer workers are needed, less work space, and prom otes better communication between workers. Workers often accept the responsibility of building the product from start to finish in a more positive light because of the empowerment it provides and the specialized training and expanded knowledge. Work Cells are often in the shape of a â€Å"U†allowing for better balance and division of work. The U-shape also will take up more space on the floor than the Traditional Straight Line process method. A Traditional Straight Line process method is the old assembly line assembly process. Each worker is responsible for a piece of a product. That piece is then put together with other pieces and the final product is put together in a series of pieces. The assembly line relies on workstations to be balanced in the share of the work to be effective however; the layout alone often leads to an unbalanced division of the workload. The pieces cannot be inspected until the finished product has been fully assembled by the varying teams, and communication and diverse learning is very limite d. The assembly line approach also leads to the possibility of a â€Å"bottleneck†effect where total production can be slowed by slow production from one of the work units. The advantages of the assembly lines are of course a less expensive and quicker training process, more standardization of parts, and lower handling costs. The decision on which method to use was a difficult one. One of the reasons I chose the two products that I did was because of their similarities and the ability to use customizable parts. However another key to the success was the ability to capitalize on efficient inventory management and processing. Another key was employee empowerment through knowledge which would lead to better service and the ability to recognize and fix problems as they occur during the assembly process. With this being said I would implement a work cell assembly approach. B4. Decisions Involving Inventory Management Understanding the relationship between inventory levels and customer needs is a critical part of any company’s success. Too much inventory can lead to extra costs for the company in the form of storage costs of unused inventory and the expense of selling off unused inventory at discount prices. Not having enough inventory can lead to poor customer experiences by not being able to meet the customer’s needs when needed. This leads to fewer repeat sales and poor relationships. In order for a company to have a low cost strategy they must master inventory levels. As discussed earlier I did not do a good job of inventory management and it cost me in the form of profits and customer satisfaction. The idea is to be perfect and I was far from it. I underestimated the increase in demand after improvements were made in product design and marketing. The result was having higher demand than inventory available. The miscalculations of potential demand cost my company through the simulation and it is very important to execute better inventory management decisions in the future to avoid such issues and losses in the future. My growth decisions were made properly in the form of additional markets, additional sales and service staff, and more fixed capacity capabilities. However, I did not make good inventory management decisions to match the growth demands. The idea of inventory management is of course to find the perfect balance of meeting my customers’ needs while limiting my costs in holding costs and excess capacity costs. It was again necessary to utilize my pro-forma statements to monitor these expenses. The inventory needs were based on demand projections, marketing efforts, and the number of sales people hired. Since my company was a start-up company with little or no brand recognition it was important to find a conservative figure which would still fit the customers’ wants and needs. In the initial Quarter I chose to project demand at 100 units per sales person. I had confidence in my product in the first quarter and decided to leave 43 units of Venture and 32 units of Quest as carryover. The hope was not to run into issues of Sales lost and a loss of customers due to poor experiences. The problem I ran into was due to poor research and development the target market did not find either of my products desirable to fit their needs as they were. My confidence quickly turned into an error in Inventory Management. The remaining units had to be sold at a Salvage price ($846.40 for Venture and $870.40 for Quest). The set price on Venture was $2500 and Quest was $3200, the cost to produce Venture was $1667 and Quest was $1698. This was an enormous loss in potential profits for my company and better use of inventory management and of course research and development could have prevented it. The new products were produced that met the customers’ wants and needs and I decided based on the research which was provided and the history of sales I would be more aggressive with my inventory levels. The sales force was increased to 16 people in Quarter 3 with a demand per sales person of 148, and based on the success in Quarter 4 the sales people were increased to 25 people with an estimate of 225 units per sales person. Due to the increase in demand caused by the additional production more inventory would left at the end of the quarter. The recommendation was that inventory levels should be left at a range of 25 to 50 units of each product, but based on the confidence of sales I increased those ranges and decided to have 86 Venture II units and 64 Quest II units in inventory left at the end of each quarter. I had no missed sales because of a lack of inventory and fortunately did not have to sell any unwanted inventory at salvage prices. Costs did increase in Quarter 4 both in holding costs and excess capacity costs but the cash increases were more than enough to justify the additional inventory. B5. Use of Specific Continuous Programs to Achieve Quality Assurance Goals. Having a culture which promotes quality from top to bottom affects the company in many positive ways; if it starts at the top it becomes a culture which then empowers employees and leads to better customer satisfaction. There are several different programs which help to measure quality; 1.) Continuous Improvement, 2.) Six Sigma, 3.) Employee Empowerment, 4.) Benchmarking, 5.) Just in Time (J.I.T.), 6. Taguchi Concepts and 7.) Knowledge of Total Quality Management (T.Q.M.) Tools. Every aspect of operations can be improved and of course the overall goal is perfection. The cost of defective parts and or systems can be dramatic for a company and difficult to recover. Therefore it is very important to have the proper programs in place to measure quality. I believe two Quality Inspection programs would have been beneficial for my company. It was very important to my company as well as my target customers for us to provide a quality reliable product and have the service in place after the sale for my customers. I believe by implementing an Employee Empowerment program I can help develop quality on both the production side as well as on the service side. Employee Empowerment involves expanding the employees’ roles and responsibilities so that empowerment and belief is spread throughout the company from the highest to the lowest level. By including such responsibilities to the lowest level there is a greater chance that defections or needed improvements will be both addressed as well as shared by the employees who are using the machinery and involved in the everyday operations of the company. With high morale and open communication lines the company should be able to reach the desired quality. The desired quality which the company will be seeking will be determined by using a quality program called Benchmarking. That desired quality will be what our products and services will look like at their very best. All other performances will be judged by comparing to this benchmark. A team will need to be assembled, benchmarking partnerships will need to be formed, data will need to be collected and compared, and improvements will need to be to try and reach our benchmarks. Our benchmarking efforts will analyze such important factors as percentage of defects, customer satisfaction rate, cost per unit, return on investment, customer retention, and response time. References 1. Ralph Estes Dictionary of Accounting (MIT, Cambridge, 1981, p. 105)
Monday, July 29, 2019
Functional requirement Essay
1. Physician Users Authorized The system will allow authorized login input The system will allow physician order medicine * System will allow physician search for medicine 2. Search The system navigates to correct patient. The system will allow search the medicine in ABC’s order The system will allow verification of doses based on age & weight The system check for allergies & contra-indications The system check medicine in stock The system send over to pharmacy 3. Pharmacist The system alert the pharmacy with medicine order The system will allows approval from Pharmacist for revaluates the order within allergy guideline * The system allows approval from Pharmacist to send order to tech for processing The system allow approval from Pharmacist for correct process Of the tech System send the order to the nurse for administer the drugs. 4. Nurse The system allow nurse to verifies the order The system allow nurse locate patient’s ID The system allow nurse to document the medicine The system allow nurse to add witness if necessary The system allow nurse to document the waste The system allow nurse to document patient’s reaction Nonfunctional Requirement 1. Operational The system should integrate with the pharmacy system The system should work any web browser The system should allow the verification for incorrect doses The system should check incorrect allergy & contra-indications of drugs The system enable for alternative options if medicine is out of stock The system enables the automatically order for medicine out of stock The system should allow disapproval or approval for pharmacist verify incorrect doses and not meet allergy guideline to be send back to physician 2. Performance The system should not exceed 2 seconds The system should be available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year Download speeds will be monitor and kept at an acceptable level. 3. Security Only authorized users are allow to use the system Patients information should be secure Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc should protect the system. The system should automatically exit when there is inactivity 4. Cultural and Political Personal information is protected in compliance with HIPPA
Traveling Matte Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Traveling Matte Techniques - Essay Example Traveling mattes modify figure from frame to frame in order to correspond to the movement of the picture or a subject within the picture. Matte effects are typically designed digitally. For using special effects in filmmaking and photography, matters are applied to make an image by combining two and more images. In the film industry, matters are typically applied for mixing a foreground image. For example characters of the film on a set with a background image are seen as a single image. If an actor is seen jumping from a plane, matte is the background painting, showings clouds, mountains, etc. In filmmaking the use of SPFX or SFX is common. These techniques are used for giving special effects to images. The principle of a matte needs covering some areas of the film mixing to control by selection the areas which needed to be exposed. In the process, a lot of separate images are used to make a complex special-effect scene. (Benedetti 1-7) In a simple definition, traveling matte techniques refer to the mixing of moving images in filmmaking. The background pictures are characteristically hand-painted or digitally designed images characterizing make-believe sites. Different images are classically mixed based on a lot of traveling matte images. The traditional filmmaking procedures begin by filming an actor or a model as a foreground subject in front of a squarely lit pure blue or green screen, which will be removed afterward in post-production. Filmmakers use blue or green since they are slightest likely to be color components of the foreground subjects and consequently will not leave holes in them when that color is detached. (Harrison 3-5) Most popular traveling matte techniques comprise the use of blue screens or green screens. These techniques are used to describe and outline areas in matte images that define foreground or background images.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Integrated Marketing Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Integrated Marketing Communication - Assignment Example Secondly, the group also has a careful marketing thought and strategy, which many companies need and which attracts people. Thirdly, Black Eyed Peas learns fast about the changing dynamics of making sales and can translate this to advertising. The group is not content with its corporate connections and seeks to expand often, which is a good mark for business advertising. Lastly, the group gives its customers equal importance when dealing with them no matter how big or small. This makes them attractive. It would not make a difference what type of product the group was endorsing because the group can be dynamic and create a proper endorsement for whatever product they are given (Jurgensen, 2010). Despite the fact that Black Eyed Peas can do a good job with any brand or product, , endorsements by the group can be excellent when the brand or product involves clothes, cars, cosmetics and others such as jewelry. On the other hands, rock bands can make specific endorsements successful such as jewelry, clothes and music equipment. Country music would do best when they endorse hats, boots, land, farming, and tracks (Moore & Mowen, 1994). If I were designing a TV advert for a concern for the Black Eyed Peas, my target market would be teenagers to young adults (male and female) of up to the age of about 35 years old. The message strategy I would use would be an affective strategy to invoke feelings and emotions and relate them with the good, service or the company. The executional framework would be a lifestyle framework that shows how the product or brand will fit into the consumer’s life. An effective television ad would be one that catches the attention of consumers by engaging their feelings, minds and emotions and responding effectively to those engagements. It should be as real as possible to convince the consumer (Clow & Baack, 2012). Despite the fact that the Black Eyed Peas has been successful in endorsing
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Social Performance,Part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Social Performance,Part 1 - Essay Example Primary stakeholders are the people who stand directly to be affected either positively or negatively by the company’s actions. The Alabama company primary stakeholders include it customers, and suppliers. Customers have played a very vital role to the success of Alabama Power Company. They have been the main source of funds running the company’s operations (Atkins, 2006). Through the money paid by customers in their monthly payment of their electricity bills, Alabama Power Company has been able to meet over three quarters of its financial obligations. It is estimated that 80% of the funds used by Alabama power company comes from customers either paying their electricity bills or entry of new customers who come to seek the help of Alabama power company in case of power failure in their houses. Suppliers are also key primary stakeholders who heavily facilitate the functioning and effective running of Alabama power Company. Southern Company is the main suppliers of all the necessary equipments necessary for the generation of electricity by Alabama Power Company (Atkins, 2006). Finally the other key primary stakeholders of the Alabama power company are the employees. Alabama company employees have for long been the backbone towards the success of the company. They always utilize their technical and technological skills in their daily duties to ensure the company operations are successful. They have always provided necessary help to customer on behalf of the company. Some of the secondary stakeholders of Alabama Power Company include the government, the general public, and the media. For instance, the state government has in many occasions helped the Alabama power company to operate even in case of financial difficulties. To some extent, the government has severally exempted the company from taxes during economic downturn periods (Atkins, 2006). This has helped the company to continue being operational even in times of
Friday, July 26, 2019
Why did China not become a world power in 1500s Research Paper
Why did China not become a world power in 1500s - Research Paper Example The Qing Empire like its predecessor made landmark steps in the expansion of China’s territory by almost half from what the Ming had achieved. This came with a great increase in the population of China and a period of continued peace and prosperity. However, this was short lived and unlike the expectations that China may have competed with the rising powers in Europe, China vanished from the world all the sudden. The cause of this disappearance had begun during the reign of the Ming Empire but had remained unknown for centuries, and historians still debate over this myth. This paper delves into the subject of the history of China after 1500 and analyses possible reasons that might have led to the collapse of the once powerful nation during that period where the territory was under the Ming and the Qing empires. Key words: Dynasty, Ming Empire, Qing Empire, territory, decline. Introduction The decline of China during the period after 1500 can be attributed to the collapse of th e two main empires that ruled over China within the period; the Ming Empire that ruled between 1368 and 1644 and the last empire that was Qing Empire, which ruled over China between 1644 and the late nineteenth century. Both of these empires saw China through a period of massive growth and prosperity in the world stage, but their gradual decline had the impact of taking China down from its position on the world trade stage. The Ming Empire took over power in China in 1368, when the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang obtained â€Å"the mandate†of heaven. The rule lasted for close to 300 years between 1368 and 1644 with the main reason for its success being the growth of industry and the enhancement of free trade with western powers, specifically Europe (Spielvogel, 2008). Prior to the rule by the Ming Empire, China was under the rule of the Yuan Empire. During the last period of the Yuan empire rule that spanned over 40 years, China was struck by drought and famine, an overflow of the Yel low river that resulted in flooding, a severe pandemic of the plague among other natural disasters. This resulted in the death of millions of Chinese people leading to a feeling within the population that the Yuan Empire no longer had the â€Å"mandate of heaven†to rule over China (Willis, 2011). Naturally, this spurred feelings of rebellion among the people and culminated in revolts that began in the 1350s and continued for close to 20 years. The soldiers of the Yuan Empire were overwhelmed and subdued, as the rebel troops took over many Chinese cities and large portions of the country (Spielvogel, 2008). The most successful of these rebel armies was from the south of the Yangtze River and was under the commandeering of Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang led the troops in conquering major cities in China including Beijing, which resulted in the court of the Yuan Empire fleeing northwards. Zhu Yuanzhang then claimed the â€Å"mandate of heaven†and took over as the emperor of the Ming Empire (Willis, 2011). The beginning of the Qing Empire was marked in an almost similar fashion. Established in Beijing in 1644, the empire took over from the Ming Empire by expelling the remnants of rebels of the Ming Empire, who had occupied Beijing at the time. Like the Yuan Empire that had ruled China before the Ming, the Qing Empire was not Chinese (Thackeray & Findling, 2012). The Qing Empire was under the control of the Manchus; a group of nomadic and tribal folk which originated from the north-eastern frontier of China. While it was regarded as a weak and corrupt empire in comparison to its predecessors, the Qing Empire w
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Three chocies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Three chocies - Case Study Example The company’s main mission is to organize information globally and make it accessible to all users in different parts of the world. The vision of the company is to develop a kind of environment that an individual or a company desires to create so that the company would facilitate the general public. The goal of the company is to simplify the lives of individuals by providing help in their respective fields. The company has brought a change in the management style in last 8-10 years. The company is conscious regarding their good management. Google always hire people who could derive significant benefits to the company. There are two major changes made in the management styles that are given below. A good manager is the priority of the company. The company facilitates the manager that has the experience, leadership skills and communication techniques. The company allows effective managers to work in it to ensure that the management is effective in deriving advantages that are mentioned in the goal and mission of the company. Good managers are the key to success as they set directions for the juniors to work. They set parameters based on the prediction and analyzing the conditions in the market (Draft, 2015). Google has start hiring the employees that have predicted and innovative mind. It is mentioned by the company that they hire on qualification but to some extent. They usually notice whether the employee can predict and allow the company to prevail in international markets by providing effective service. It is clearly mentioned in the company that they appoint a person with their skills and capabilities rather than his high qualification. Their perspective is to the employee an individual that can predict the situation that could be faced by the company in future (Draft, 2015). The company believes that it is essential to maintain proper checks and balances on
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Getting university degree through online courses Essay
Getting university degree through online courses - Essay Example They can access learning materials from anywhere and anytime they log on to their university portals. That means parents, professionals, and sick students can attend their classes no matter their day schedules. The method also offers student enrichment. Students can interact as the online class is short of intimidation. Every student has a voice and the diverse ideas contribute to student growth. The students are also offered sufficient time to think before they can comment. The online learning method, however, has raised various concerns. Students lack face-to-face interaction with fellow classmates and instructor. They experience disconnect from the classroom environment, but universities are keen on addressing the issue. Group chats and video-conferencing are some of the initiatives the universities are using to alleviate the issue. The online degrees also offer fewer instructions and have no standards that regulate the program. Accrediting bodies have, however, been put in place to accredit and review online institutions and curriculum. Online learning has come a long way and more developments are still to come. Various advocates and bodies are finding ways to deal with the perceived shortcomings. Technological advancements continue to add value and advantages that distance learning can offer to students. U.S. Department of Education, 2010, Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning," U.S. Department of Education
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Philosophy- Does God exist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Philosophy- Does God exist - Essay Example If so, then there must be a mover. This mover cannot be the thing itself for a thing cannot itself to move. So it must have been a first unmoved mover, i.e. God. Therefore, God exists. For many years, I was convinced of Aquinas’ argument until I learned of a philosopher who was quite skeptical of Aquinas’ ways. His name is David Hume. Hume was an empiricist who accepted the senses as the source of knowledge. He formulated his empiricist principle based on what we can know through our senses alone. Thus, metaphysical notions such as â€Å"God†are, for Hume, imaginary fictions of our minds, due to our notion of cause and effect. Therefore, the idea of a God is meaningless for Hume. â€Å"So God does not exist?†Asked my friend. â€Å"Hume does not think that should be the question to ask. But rather, is man capable of knowing if there’s anything beyond the realm of sense experience? And the answer is: we don’t know.†I answered. â€Å" But there must be a way to know!†My friend said. So I told her about a philosopher named Rene Descartes. Descartes was, unlike Hume, a rationalist. He provided three proofs for God’s existence. Only one however, drew my attention as well. Here, Descartes uses the process of elimination when asking whether I, who has an idea of a perfect being, can exist without that perfect being, i.e. God.
Training Incentives Essay Example for Free
Training Incentives Essay Training incentives helps employers meet the cost of training their staff. The funding helps to ensure that there is continued supply of qualified people. The employers use training incentives to assist employees who have no formal qualifications. Managers and supervisors are also trained in order to develop management and supervision skills. Trainees can be of any age and on any pay scale and training can be done during work hours or outside business hours. (Tuscon, 1994 pp32) Different Training Styles Self motivated style – training is thought of in terms of the practical results, the trainer likes direct results from training. He is assertive whereby he does not hesitate to express his views and disapproval when the training session is going on. The participants who are being trained are attentive and avoid embarrassing the trainer who is in control of the training. Informal and expressive style – the trainees make contribution to the session freely and openly express themselves in a personal and friendly way. They ensure the training session is informal and open to everyone. The trainer tries to avoid discussions that are unnecessary and are tactful in the way they direct communicators to the materials that are supposed to be used for training. (Brooks, 1999 pp13-15). Analytical style – here the trainer is dealing with interpreters whose main concern accuracy and detail. They do not accept information that is not backed by facts. The trainer will command subject matter to be used for him to retain credibility when dealing with individuals of this type. Readiness of different people to accept the information given to them will depend on the way that information is presented to them. Some people do not understand easily unless there are clear facts presented. In providing effective training the trainer should know how to help the audience accept the information given to them. There are also contemplators who always think about new ideas and concepts. They seek time to consider them and their special effects. The trainer will need to know the suitable pace for delivering the course material to ensure that they are able to understand what is being taught with ease. If they require more time for them to understand the concepts the trainer should be patient enough. (Eisman, 1995 pp32-35). What Works For Particular Employees When there are new employees in any organization, a worker mentor assist them to learn the job. Once the new employee is familiar with the job and can do it well without assistance, he can be left to continue working on his own. This is very important because, even if the new employee has qualified for the job, there is need for him to get experienced with new work environment. The supervisor monitors work performance to ensure that all the assigned duties are done well. A co-worker can help new worker get to know how to socialize with other workers and help him to make use of orientation training for him to make practical use of what he was taught during orientation. If there is any issue that was not understood during orientation, a co-worker can assist in answering any question that might arise. Employee assistant program assist particular employees to improve his job performance, get familiar to the work environment and make use of employment policies and adapt to changes on how some jobs are supposed to be performed in order for employees to do the job successfully. (Janak, 1997 pp345-349). Environmental support which includes physical structures and surrounding objects make the job site to be accessible for current and future employees. For example, automatic door openers that assists employees to move from one department to another. Procedural support activities help employees perform jobs and related job functions. Flexible time allows employees work within hours that are conducive to their personal lives. (Clement, 1995 pp53-58). Different Job Functions If essential functions require employees to have physical abilities or communication abilities for example frequent contact with people, this requires verbal communication for information to be conveyed or writing. If duties are performed in various locations, frequent travel is required and a driving license. Job descriptions contain statement that, jobs other than the ones enumerated can be assigned to employees which should be reasonably related to the assigned position. Duties and responsibilities should outline basic components of activities to be performed, scope of the assigned responsibility and level of authority and who is responsible. Each task should have a process that shows what methods are used, procedure followed when performing the task and the tools to be used. It should show how often the task should be performed. The expected outcome should be indicated which shows the acceptable quality of work. (Reynolds, 1997 pp40-45). Essential functions are the fundamental duties employees must be able to perform. Job function is considered essential when there is a position for that function to be performed, the number of employees is limited for distribution of the job function and the function is highly specialized and requires experts to perform it. Employee Training Retention And Feedback Employee training retention helps reduce the staff turnover rates which waste a lot of time, very costly and affects the success of business in the long run. The key component of retaining superior employees is to allow them to express themselves freely and give out ideas and opinions. Chief executive officers should be good listeners and collect feedback from employees. Supervisors should recognize employees’ problems and deal with them in an appropriate manner. (Peterson, 1999 pp15-17). Managing turnover maintains quality of work performed by experienced employees. Training expert who have track record should cause cultural change, improve organization productivity and be trusted by employees and management. Strategic plan should be implemented on how to conduct pre and post training survey and make follow up in order to ensure employee are productive. Talent management strategy sustains the organization and an action plan guarantees the continuity of the organization in future. Effective feedback survey design should be delivered with extensive resources and impressive reporting capabilities. Human resource department should fully staff in order to solve issues of human relations and offer standardized training. In order to assess staff climate, satisfaction survey should be done annually. New starter feedback should be done after four weeks to know employees perception on the effectiveness of recruitment and the process of induction and know the ideas they have for improvement.                       Recruitment process feedback should be done immediately after recruitment is over and send short post placement survey to the manager responsible for hiring within one week after appointment. Analysis for training need should be done to know the training opportunities that the staff need. Post training feedback helps to know how staff valued training sessions. This can also be done by testing the staff knowledge in certain subject after the training session is over by giving them a short post training quiz. (Phillips, 1996 pp45-47) Best Practices                       Employer should ensure the work place is safe for all employees so that they can be able to apply their knowledge to improve the quality of work performed in the organization. Financial rewards should be given to employees based on their performance for them to be motivated to continue working hard. Performance standards should be set for all employees without favor or discrimination. Employees should be able and willing to employ all what brings best results. (Tuscon, 1994 pp30-31) Challenges                       Competition from other firms in the same line of business and labor shortages make employees work for long hours and harder and have more responsibilities. Modern training need is also demanded in order to reflect the changes in lifestyle. Organizations do not afford use of classrooms for training because; it involves traveling and lodging expenses. Productivity is reduced and revenue is low due to time spent while traveling.                       Organization needs to improve performance of employees and retain them, this call for an organization to offer ongoing education and training in order to benefit from a work force that has better skills and have increased rate of employee retention. In order to keep training updated, knowledge and skills should be provided by managers rapidly. this requires organization to add more organization training mix. (Arkin, 1995 pp36). REFERENCES: Tuscon M. (1994): outdoor training for employee effectiveness: London Institute of Personnel Management, pp 30-32. Eisman R. (1995): incentives excellent adventure: Incentive, pp32-35. Clement C. (1995): The Ins and Outs of experimental training: Training and development, pp53-56. Arkin A. (1995). Breathing fresh air into training: people management, pp35-36. Alder A. (1995): Changing outdoor vision: Management training, pp21-23. Phillips J. (1996): the search for best practices, training and development: ROI, pp45-47. Peterson B. (1999): measuring impact of learning and performance. The Franklin, pp15-17. Reynolds M. (1997): management learning: London Sage, pp40-45. Janak E. (1997): A meta analysis of the relationship among training criteria; personnel psychology; pp345-349. Brooks H. (1999): Designing and facilitating experimental learning: thousand oak, pp 13-15.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Weekly Assignment 1 Essay Example for Free
Weekly Assignment 1 Essay In Moore’s proof if an external world, he is attempting to show that we can know things outside of our own us (Moore; 144). He proves this by using the example of showing his hands, pointing at one hand and saying â€Å"here is my right hand†then pointing to the other and saying the same thing (Moore; 144). He states that by just being able lift hand is proof that it exists. He provided three conditions that support his claim which are that; if his two conclusions differ from one another, which they do not. If he knew proof but did not believe it and vice versa; and finally if his conclusion did not follow the premises which it did (Moore ; 145). Moore addresses the issues that readers have about the fact that he is not answering the question. He claims that they are seeking a statement saying, â€Å"Here’s one hand and here’s the other†, to prove external existence by coming up and examining both hands (Moore; 146). This statement is meant to accommodate all the examples of proof of external objects (Moore, 147). It is very unlikely that on exists because for that statement to be true there would have to be an initial proof that a person is not dreaming which is quite difficult to do. Moore also provides an additional proof for objects that have previously existed by saying:†I held up two hands above the desk not very long ago, therefore two hands existed not very long ago and therefore at least two external objects have existed at some time in the past†(Moore; 146). He uses this as a solution to Immanuel Kant’s (1724–1804) problem of the existence of external objects; because it shows that the objects have existed at some point in time (Moore;146). [300 Words] Reference List G. E. Moore’s paper â€Å"Proof of an External World†Taken from Sosa, E. and J. Kim. 2000. Epistemology: An Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Open field agriculture in England
Open field agriculture in England The open field system was a prevalent agricultural system in much of Europe from the middle ages; in some places it was still present up until the 20th century. For example in Herefordshire the last open fields were removed in the 20th century. This form of settlement can also be known as champion land. Each villager was allocated strips usually at a village meeting each year. Their holdings were scattered. However contrary to popular belief not all areas in England had open field farming in the medieval period. For example in Essex and Kent they retained pre Roman system of small square enclosed fields. Lincolnshire was a typical area of open field agriculture. However, much of pre roman Britain was an open field system. There is much division and debate on when the open field system originated. This can be argued that it is down to insufficient distinction being made between a three strip system, a three field system and an open field system. [1] H.L.Grays work in English field systems can be seen as a starting point in 1915. However it has now been realised that open field systems are much more complex than he first thought. He focused on the variety of open field systems. Later came Orwins view, in the open fields of 1938, they had a practical approach which was seen to be influential but they assumed that the open field system was fully running from the start which has been proven to be wrong. Then in 1964 came Joan thirsk new view, distinguishing between open fields and common fields and arguing that it developed slowly, maturing in the 13th century. In 1973 historical geographers Baker and Butlin did a number of regional studies which emphasised the variety, and stressed that they evolved . It concluded that the midland field system was more adaptable to change than was once believed. [2] This belief that they evolved is accepted but now earlier chronology is now preferred. Then in 1983 in the agricultural history review it drew attention to how they seemed to be planned. This was also argued in 1982 David Hall medieval fields for the 8th and 9th origin subdivided fields laid out in a deliberate act of planning. The original plan was drastically modified over time. [3] However this can be disputed R. A. Dodgshon argues that they were not consciously designed, but that they were makeshift and response to a diversity of influences. Opinion has therefore changed and evolved over time but is also still divided. Land was divided into what was known as planned countryside (champion) and ancient countryside (woodland). Thomas Harrison said it is so that soile being divided into champion ground and woodland [4] . In the champion everybody lives in uniformly built towns, it is a nucleated village, whereas woodland villages people are scattered. In the champion was where the open fields were, open fields are where there are no hedges or fixed physical boundaries, possibly on the edge but not internally, it has strips. The land is the champion is divided into lots of strips, each individual gets around 30 strips. They are scattered throughout the territory of the parish muddled with everybody elses. However it is in a regular order, as would be their houses in the streets also. Between 1220 and 1240 documents show that wherever Thomas de Hampton had strips then Henry de Kaam was his neighbour. [5] The strips of land also known as selions are then grouped into bundles called furlongs, t hese are then grouped into fields. Each village has two or three fields. Each year one of the fields was allowed to remain fallow. They were instead grazed with livestock, they became communal. Therefore it was communal on one hand but on the other individualistic, you got to keep what you grew. The strips could not be bundled into one group because if they were all in one place they may all be fallow for one year. In the late medieval periods they gradually disappear. It is often seen as hard to define when the open field system of agriculture first developed. There are many debates among historians for the origins of the open field system for example in a recent article on the common fields Dr Thirsk attacked the orthodox view of Gray Orwin on the subject. Dr Thirsk defined the classical common field system as being made up of four essential elements. [6] At first arable and meadow were divided into strips, then arable and meadow were open for common pasturing, then common rights over waste, then finally this was regulated by a group of people. This definition is quite unobjectionable, though it could be argued that its third element common rights over waste is not strictly essential to it. [7] In the journal it is argued that the open field system as it is normally understood did not come into being until the later Middle Ages. It argues that if dr thirsk succeeds in showing that the evidence for the existence of the open field syst em in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries is far from being conclusive or satisfactory. [8] Open field agriculture took many forms. Therefore it is hard to pin point when the origin was. The different factors which go to make up the various types of open field systems go some way towards explain the origins of such systems. [9] However this is then disputed by archaeologists who are concerned with the physical remains of the past e.g. ridge and furrow. The historians and historical geographers have a different view on the definition of open field systems compared to that of the archaeologists. Historians base their definitions on the systems, and social aspects. Not just merely the remains. This therefore leads to problems in dating when open fields originated. it is extremely difficult to discover the origins of almost any aspect of human behaviour, for until it is relatively common place it is usually difficult to detect archaeologically. [10] Also there is the problem that over the years there are changes that disrupt the land. Thus the physical manifestation s of open fields which archaeologists have to deal with are the result of the pattern imposed by the most recent cultivation, not the first. [11] Therefore when studying open field systems archaeologists look at the ridge and furrow and accept it to be medieval. It has however become clear from recent work they there was never just one type of open field system. Even by the thirteenth century, there was not one type of open field system but many. [12] There is often a pessimistic approach to the origins of open fields. The evidence that remains to help us discover the origins of the open field system includes ridge and furrow. A heavy plough, capable of turning over sod would cut the furrow and a mold board turns the soil sideways, pulled by 6 to 8 ox. We know this from domesday. This would gradually mound the soil up in the middle of the strip. The strips were not straight but always shaped as an s but backwards. This is because of the turning room the plough needed and the fact that most were right handed. We can date ridge and furrow from any time after the introduction of the heavy plough and not necessarily medieval. By the 11th century it was in use in most of England. It is important to remember that there was never one open field system over Britain that was identical and used. It also changed over the years. It developed over time. Why it grew is important. There needed to be a solution to the problem of farming with certain soils, animals, climate, topography, crops, markets, transportation and so forth. At any one moment there were open field villages in various stages of evolution. [13] Hard to define what an open field system was. It was different in different areas so can seen to be started at different times. Consequently, the second complex phenomenon behind the label is the lack of agreement of what is to be understood by an open field system, as different authors disagree to some extent on what constitutes the salient interlocking features of the system. [14] There are many broad outlines to what an open field system was and when it developed over the country making it difficult to summarise when it evolved. There is also lots of literature on this topic which is diverse. One of the earliest pieces of evidence of the early open field system comes from a law from King Ine of Wessex. If ceorls have a common meadow or other share land to enclose, and some have enclosed their share while other have not. [15] This was issued between 668 and 694. It gives evidence to the early existence of open fields. However it doesnt give elements of the whole system. It does not mention strips, cropping rules, common grazing or regulations. We cannot however assume that all land even within the same community was treated the same. All of the elements therefore may not have originated at once but could have been gradual. Then in 966 a charter refers to arable share land. it is very likely that the exploitation of the agricultural resources of midland E ngland was well established by the tenth century, although it is equally likely that the complex open filed system did not reach its full maturity before the twelfth. [16] There are now lots of evidence to suggest that the introduction of the open field system was a long term process. When looking at maps of open field systems you can see that each system is logically adapted to the geography of its parish. Also different systems co existed side by side in the same geographical area. The open field system originated because it was sufficient at feeding the population. Local landowners would rent land to farmers known as tenants, they would grow enough to survive and any left would be sold to market. Ridge and furrow advantages include drainage especially on heavy clay soils where the water wont drain easily. However you do not want to plough light soils such as chalk. Also there is the creased table cloth theory. Possible resistance to soil erosion and it creates more surface area so there is more land to grow crops on. For many centuries it met the countrys need for food, it also let villagers have a say as it made decision by vote, and people were working together, there was also the common land so a sense of community. It went hand in hand with the development of villages clustered around a nucleus of church and manor house. This created a sense of community, they worked communally, and open field agriculture is an example of this. In some villages, villagers owned a team of oxen so ploughed the strips in sequence. However in some ways it can also be seen as individualistic. It gradually spread over England, but it can never be said that it completely took over. The most common open field system was where a village had 3 bigs fields with the village located in the centre, each field could be miles across and each villagers would have strips of land in each field so that each would have a share of good and bad land.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay -- Martin Luthe
Martin Luther King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†is an excellent example of an effective argument; it was written in response to an editorial addressing the issue of Negro demonstrations and segregation in Alabama at the time. He writes in a way that makes his argument approachable; he is not attacking his opposition, which consists of eight Alabama clergymen who wrote the editorial. This is illustrated in his opening sentence: â€Å"My dear Fellow Clergymen†(464). King was an activist for civil rights during this time, and came to Alabama to help out his fellow brothers that were facing opposition. He was concerned with the monologue rather than dialogue that was going on during this time in Alabama; where each side would talk about the problem but never get together to negotiate and seek a solution. The clergymen’s editorial along with the unjust circumstances for Negroes at the time in Alabama was King’s driving force in writing this letter from his jail cell, and created an outline of a strong argument for many years to come. I have found through engaging in arguments with friends and in classes that a personal point comes across more clearly when you just present your point of view without condemning the other party. People are more likely to listen to a personal opinion or an opposing view of argument when there is no tension. Also, to the audience the argument becomes more credible when one is not attacking the opposing side. King knows that he is speaking to not only the white clergymen, but to the white moderates on a much larger scale. King addresses these moderates, saying that they are often times the most dangerous of his opposition, for at least the extremists know where they stand. He states: I have r... ... was diminished years ago? We read this because it is commonly said that â€Å"If we do not learn from history, then we are doomed to repeat it.†The racial issues are still not solved today; sexism and prejudices are evident in today’s society. King’s argument includes underlying truths that can be learned by all. Here is a man who was bold for his cause at a time that he could have, and was, killed for his beliefs; he stood up for what he thought was right, even if it was not popular at the time. Overall, King’s argument is still relevant to society and to times today, even if it is not exactly dealing with the same issues on the same level. Works Cited King, Martin Luther Jr. "Letter from Birmingham Jail." A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers. Ed. Lee A. Jacobus. Trans. Stephen Mitchell. 7th ed. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2006.
A Look Into the Human Genome Project :: Science Technology Genetics Papers
A Look Into the Human Genome Project Would people buy a set of books that repeated the same four letters in random order page after page? Or would this information be more convenient to the public if on a computer disc? Many people would agree with the idea that this set of books would be boring. Surprisingly, America and the rest of the world are buying the information in this set of books. In fact, these books contain the human genome. The mapping of the genome (or writing this set of books) is a 15-year project that has brought many ethical issues to attention. History of the Human Genome Project The United States Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health joined forces in 1990 to kick off a 15-year effort to reach two goals: Catalog the genes in human DNA Determine the three billion bases (the four letters in the set of books) in human DNA that encode for genes (U.S. Dept. of Energy 1998). On the international level, the Human Genome Organization (HUGO) was founded. Their goal is to encourage trading of research findings and techniques (National Reference Center 1998). From the national standpoint it brings back memories of The Manhattan Project. Internationally, this cooperation is unprecedented (Shinn 1996). Before the organization of the Human Genome Project, the Department of Energy had biologists and physicists studying the Hiroshima survivors. From this data a GenBank was made. This was the first database for DNA sequences (Gert, et al. 1996). Watson, who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of the double helix, was appointed as the first director of the Human Genome Project. He appropriated three percent of his budget to ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) involved with the project (Shinn 1996). Even from the beginning it was anticipated that this project could have both positive and negative outcomes. One goal to be reached after five years was to have markers every ten centimorgans (Gert, et al. 1996). This goal was stated in 1991 and achieved in 1994 - a year ahead of schedule - when a map with markers every two to five centimorgans was published (Casey, et al. 1995). Sequencing would then follow with a focus on areas of disease and in reducing human error. The main goal for the next five years would be markers every one centimorgan (Gert, et al. 1996). Technical Aspects Ideally, the final map will have both physical and genetic information.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Questions and Answers About Luxury Products Essay -- customers, brand
Questions and Answers: (2) How does a brand name or country of origin work as a heuristic? (3) Do ratings change as a function of the country of origin? (4) Are there any significant differences or similarities between domestic versus foreign brands for EACH fashion product (eg. A Chinese luxury brand versus an Australian luxury brand)? (5) What are the implications for companies and businesses that use country of origin as a way of advertising / promoting their product and brands? a) Based on the results in question 4a, (2) How does a brand name or country of origin work as a heuristic(2 marks)? Heuristic or rules of thumb are general decision making strategies people use that are based on little information, yet very often correct; heuristics are mental shortcuts that reduce the cognitive burden associated with decision making (Shah & Oppenheimer, 2008). In this case, consumers always see an Italian product with the exemplar of luxury brand. Thus, they may assume all Italian based product is always expensive, exclusive, unique, high price and comfortable. Meanwhile, consumer may also assume that all products from China were all low quality, cheap and not long lasting based on what they heard and see on the television or friends. (3) Do ratings change as a function of the country of origin? Explain why or why not. (4 marks) Yes. It is because the perceived theoretical relationship between the cue of country of origin and the attributes of a product is largely conducted by product-country images, among which quality as a representative of a country’s production has an important effect on consumers’ evaluations of products (Broniarczyk & Alba, 1994). For example, Korean music has been famous worldw... ... Decision Outcomes†. Student Pulse. Klein, Jill Gabrielle, Richard Ettenson and Marlene D. Morris (1998). "The Animosity Model of Foreign Product Purchase: An Empirical Test in the People's Republic of China", Journal of Marketing, 62(1), 89-100 Shah, A.K., & Oppenheimer, D.M. (2008).Heuristics made easy: An effort-reduction framework. Psychological Bulletin, 134(2), 207-222. DOI: 1.1037/0033-2909.134.2.207. Shimp, Terence A. and Subhash Sharma (1987), "Consumer Ethnocentrism: Construction and Validation of the CETSCALE", Journal of Marketing Research 24(3), 280-289 Tversky, Amos and David Kahneman. 1974. â€Å"Judgement under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases†. Science 185: 1124-1131. Questions and Answers About Luxury Products Essay -- customers, brand Questions and Answers: (2) How does a brand name or country of origin work as a heuristic? (3) Do ratings change as a function of the country of origin? (4) Are there any significant differences or similarities between domestic versus foreign brands for EACH fashion product (eg. A Chinese luxury brand versus an Australian luxury brand)? (5) What are the implications for companies and businesses that use country of origin as a way of advertising / promoting their product and brands? a) Based on the results in question 4a, (2) How does a brand name or country of origin work as a heuristic(2 marks)? Heuristic or rules of thumb are general decision making strategies people use that are based on little information, yet very often correct; heuristics are mental shortcuts that reduce the cognitive burden associated with decision making (Shah & Oppenheimer, 2008). In this case, consumers always see an Italian product with the exemplar of luxury brand. Thus, they may assume all Italian based product is always expensive, exclusive, unique, high price and comfortable. Meanwhile, consumer may also assume that all products from China were all low quality, cheap and not long lasting based on what they heard and see on the television or friends. (3) Do ratings change as a function of the country of origin? Explain why or why not. (4 marks) Yes. It is because the perceived theoretical relationship between the cue of country of origin and the attributes of a product is largely conducted by product-country images, among which quality as a representative of a country’s production has an important effect on consumers’ evaluations of products (Broniarczyk & Alba, 1994). For example, Korean music has been famous worldw... ... Decision Outcomes†. Student Pulse. Klein, Jill Gabrielle, Richard Ettenson and Marlene D. Morris (1998). "The Animosity Model of Foreign Product Purchase: An Empirical Test in the People's Republic of China", Journal of Marketing, 62(1), 89-100 Shah, A.K., & Oppenheimer, D.M. (2008).Heuristics made easy: An effort-reduction framework. Psychological Bulletin, 134(2), 207-222. DOI: 1.1037/0033-2909.134.2.207. Shimp, Terence A. and Subhash Sharma (1987), "Consumer Ethnocentrism: Construction and Validation of the CETSCALE", Journal of Marketing Research 24(3), 280-289 Tversky, Amos and David Kahneman. 1974. â€Å"Judgement under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases†. Science 185: 1124-1131.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Problem Solution Paper Essay
After assessing my LASSI test scores, I’ve learned that I need some improvement in my study habits. To name a few, some of my strengths are concentration, motivation, and selecting main ideas, however, my weak areas such as information processing, study aids, and time management all were right on target. I’ve always had problems with studying something that I did not understand, therefore it would frustrate me and I would not spend much time on it. I am currently struggling with this problem in my English 111 class because it is hard to process what I am reading in the textbook. In addition to that I am a full time general manager at a restaurant and it is very demanding, working long hours and then trying to come home and study, I am forced to cram my school work in on my off days because I am very tired. I really feel that if I do not come up with better time management skills and stop cramming my work that my short-term problem academically will be that I turn in bel ow average assignments or not even meet deadlines. My long-term problem will be that I fail my class and lose my financial aid, so I will definitely put more effort into a solution. My problem is time-management and the three solutions that I have researched and think would be a good fit for me are 1. Blocks of study times and breaks. [ management] The advantage of this solution is that I would have time set aside to study with the option to take a break so I want get to tired. The disadvantage of this is I might take a break and never come back to it because of other distractions such as tv, cellphone, fatigue, etc. Secondly, review planner weekly. [ management] I would be able to review planner and know when test and deadlines are do for papers. The disadvantage would be, if I’m not consistent with logging things in the planner I could forget about something. Lastly, the third solution would be to stay healthy, schedule rest. The advantage of this would be that I would be well rested and rejuvenated to tackle my scheduled task, and disadvantage would be that I get home at 5pm sometimes and if I take a nap I will not be able to recover from that. I feel that the best solution would be to set aside time to study and take breaks if needed and I will use this strategy with my English 111 class.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Mechanistic versus Organic Organisational Structures Essay
With this in mind, nerves turn to anxiety to set upon the budding problem, through organizing. Organizing involves the structuring of the resources of the fundamental law in effect to achieve its objectives. This structuring allows*Dividing taxs into line of works (Adam Smith 1700s).* duty assignment dutys.*Clustering of jobs into units, departments etc. to form the term of the organization.*Delegating authority and establishing a string of command.However, we can non see the attention region of organizing as the sole function of the manager, in order to combat these diversenesss (individuals and groups in organizations bequeath needs contri thate to organizing the organization by the appearance they do or dont do activities). Organizing involves the way people chitchat meanings, interpret actions and make responses to things, when they cannot make hotshot of these things people reinterpret them according to their knowledge views and often try to impose them on ot hers. Therefore, the organizational coordinate is strengthened, through sundry(a) operator for example performance appraisal, contrasting pay rates etc.In light of this, they atomic number 18 to a greater extent factors to distribute for organizations to foundation the type of structure which outstrip suits the way they wish to achieve their goals. What aspiration is fin eachy agreed upon depends on a number of purposes such(prenominal) as*Do we want/need to decentralize decision do.*Are they needs to deal with problems such as the effect of structure on communications staff/ draw off negate especially the tension between employees and experts and line managers centralization versus decentralization etc.This leads to the virtually important question, which inclination options should be considered, but before considering however, there are a number of variables which need to be interpreted into account with design options such as strategy, size, technology and the m ilieu touch the organization before any decisions can be do.Although these differences between organizations or enormous, they are galore(postnominal) similarities that enable them to be classified into models. two of these extreme models are mechanical and constitutional which was developed by Tom burn down & G M Stalker in there study of electronics firms in the unite Kingdom.Mechanistic and fundamental centering systems are at opposite ends of the compass of design systems that organizations adopt, firms can move on this range from one end to the other, or take up positions in between (boundaryless organization) depending on the disposition of there work, and changing circumstances. The kinds of practices organizations choose along the range vary according to whether the environs is permanent, and the technological conditions are well dumb (when mechanistic management is appropriate), or whether the environment is highly unpredictable, with rapid technological ch ange and boundless market opportunities, (when organic management is appropriate).However, my focus is on the organic design structure, organic structures have a straight or flat structure with however(prenominal) one or two levels of management where the employees knowledge or expertise in their area is functiond out in the organization. This teamwork atmosphere allows knowledge to be shared in the organization which plays an important routine in the day to day hurry of the business.Clearly in organizations where the structure is horizontal, all employees contribute and have a share of knowledge and expertise within the organization. The sagacity on this was as a egress of the Burns and Stalkers study, where they provided the clearest abbreviation on the organic design system, they utter it had*Work organized in a way to avoid specifying individual tasks*Communication, builds which are 1) Unending and detailed which are at the helm of the decision devising surgical process. 2) only free and informal 3) Vertical and horizontal as needed to get the job done.*An informal and constantly changing pattern of authority as roles of the organization tries to remold itself to address new-fashioned problems and tackle any unforeseen possibilities.*Responsibility of employees to the whole task confronting the organization.*Authority is invested in the employees with the appropriate knowledge, achievement and expertise.This type of structure features a decentralized apostrophize to management. Decentralization is where there is a delegation of authority to lower levels of the organization, where more emphasis is placed on employee skills and competency and the atmosphere is a more light and amiable for the employees to work. However, where the actual decision making should be done by the higher(prenominal) levels of management depends upon the organization and the circumstances surrounding the problem that has arisen.The organic design structure to o gives rise to the divisional approach where departments are grouped together to slay the specific goals of the organization whether it be a specific product or suffice provided by the organization. This approach is based generally in large corporations who provide products or services for different markets or geographical locations and each department moldiness be self sufficient. With this approach managers would not be delayed in their decision making process by the higher levels of management, the transmit office just acts as a hold back system and focuses more on strategic planning for the organizationAlthough they are several additives which can be derived from the divisional approach there are also obstacles that can arise as well. while this approach tends to be flexible and all-mains(prenominal) to changes surrounding the organization, since management has the immunity in there decision making process without unnecessary consultation with higher levels of manageme nt, this freedom sometimes tends to lead to repetition of time, efforts and energies on a hopeless project.Consequently, the adoption of the organic management structure for the organization bureau that the old classical management techniques of job descriptions, job grading, and methods used to identify the design of tasks will be no more. It will be where managers set broad goals, which they support by providing resources to those with the knowledge, abilities, experience and skills to achieve them. The employees rifle the experts while on the other deal managers become the facilitators to provide the by rights conditions and ask barriers which effect performance.It must be made clear, those organizations that are met with the natural uncertainty of the environment, must respond in ways to partner this uncertainty, rather than trying to reduce it. This means that rather than adopting the traditional approach where management is viewed as the tyrannical of subordinates in t he mechanistic designwhich can only function effectively under a stable environment. They mustadopt the organic design structure which is not one of controlling and systemizing, but one of facilitating and nurturing of employees to produce to the lift out of their abilities in order to achieve the organizations goals and objectives when these changes occur. The mechanistic design is without a doubt, not the right model regardless of how many tools, go and measures are classified for managing in this way.Clearly, when goals of the organization are unclear and the methods for achieving them uncertain, managing in the new innovative way (organic style) can only prove to be productive for the organization.BIBLIOGRAPHYDaft, R. L., Marcic, D. ( 1995 ). perceptiveness Management. Second Edition.The Dryden Press.Daft, R. L., Marcic, D. ( 2001 ). Understanding Management. Third Edition.Harcourt.Mintzberg, H, (1979). The Structuring of Organizations. apprentice Hall. Clearly our deeply i mbed ideas (culture) about the management of activities need to include more emphasis on the structure of relationships and the development of communication (organic design) rather than victimization the traditional approach where management is viewed as the controlling of subordinates (mechanistic design). Without a doubt this is not the right model regardless of how many tools, steps and measures are classified for managing in this way.
Sonys Business Strategy In The Global Environment Commerce Essay
Since 1946, Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita founded Sony as big(p) of Japan Telecommunications applied science Corp in Tokyo. The attach to commenced researching with 20 employees with a bud aspire lower than 200,000 hankerings. The comp each was fabricating telecommunication and measuring rod equipment. Within a twelvemonth, the starting signal merchandise was launched, a power megaphone. In 1950, the japan s first tape set downing equipment was distri anded to a merchandise.When Sony eyes on asking their w ars to the international securities industry in the mid-1950s, it seemed to be a virgin physical body, at the interim, be safari the initials TTK were antecedently selected. The association combined its name from the Latin break for sound, sonus, and the the Statesn word sonny . Regard to a c either amaze taging evidence, the caller-up desired to h old(a) a word that result non be found in any linguistic communication. Many inquiries came up from an natural ha rmonizing to the readjustment because of the magazine spent on implementing its former handle name known globally, but in 1958, the name was officially changed to Sony Corp. In 1960, Sony started bulge out its U.S. subdivision, called SONAM ( Sony Corporation of America ) , known as SCA, and the first subdivision in the United body politic in eight old ages subsequently. First, the subdivision was named as Sony ( U.K. ) Ltd and was changed subsequently into Sony United Kingdom Ltd. The bon ton spreads out into Spown(prenominal) and France in 1973 every turn of events practised as in German in 1986.Sony has a long history of presenting engineerings. Sony novices, in 1950, the Japan s first transistor wireless, the TR-55. In a piece, the community released a minor transistor wireless. For a decennary, Sony released the universe s first direct- debatew portable Television, the TV8-301. The telephoner persisted in developing the Television and in a twosome of old ages manufac tured the tiniest all-transistor Television. In 1989, Sony released the Handycam, a portable, easy-to-use, 8 millimeter camc evidence. Six old ages ago, the guild brought the universe s first Blu-ray phonograph record participant into the amusement market. In 2005, Sony upgrades the Handycam to the luxuriously comment Handycam, making the universe s smallest picture camera.The Walkman is the draw merchandise from Sony forcing the SONY trade name to the top. The first mutation was launched in 1979. The little, lightweight portable tape participant revolutionized the manner volume listened to practice of medicine. It besides allowed individuals to do music truly in-person by utilizing earphones. In 1984, Sony released the Discman, the order s first portable Cadmium participant.Since evidence 2009, Sony employed more than 171,300 people. The one-year gross of company in 2009 was about $ 8 million, with about $ 1.5 billion in net in trace along. They remain headquartered in Tokyo and have about 100 attached companies removed Japan.Particular Critical Incident of SonySony has got assorted retail mercenary establishments nigh the World which ensures a uninterrupted tot of merchandises to the clients. However, from these retail mer abidetile establishments there be a multitude of rivals much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Motorola which produce resembling merchandises and use the same mer movetile establishments to do the merchandises or phone numberal cavity the consumers. Due to this there is a demand for Sony to come up with projects which understructure do them win all all over their rivals merchandises. For illustration in the late 1990 s Sony disconnected its principal vex in close to of its markets that because of improper evasions. There are assorted grounds which led to this soundure and they are farther discussed and ski binding up by assorted tames here under Mintzberg SchoolsHarmonizing to Mintzberg et Al ( 1998 ) there ar e 10 proposals which when divided into triple groups can be applicable in transporting out strategical heed number. The three groups are normative, descriptive and Configuration. Prescriptive describes how shunnings should be do instead than how schemes are formulated descriptive describes assorted subroutines involved in the formation of scheme and constellation includes description of some(prenominal) descriptive and constellation. For a company s scheme to recreate best in a minded(p) clientele purlieu, it has to place and hire a flow of schemes.As referred to the instance survey, the hardship of Sony to take in well-nigh of its market would hold been solved by looking as to whether the scheme behind the company was ciphering or non. The company taking place in the market would hold worked on the womb-to-tomb footings by placing three Mintzberg schemes of entrepreneurial, cognitive every bit honorable as Power schoolhouses.The entrepreneurial school focal points on cognition and intuition which directors deal to be cognizant of, in the procedure of transporting out their managerial activities ( Betz, 2002 ) . The success of any scheme is in general found on director s vision, personal intuition, judgements, carry out and wisdom. As referred to the instance survey, one of the ship canal which seemed to be solution to revive Sony was to replace the bing principal executive director officer at that clip and Howard Stringer took over the company as a untested caput executive officer in 2005.Stringer was able to resuscitate the company through efficiency and re brass instrument which make different section collaborating together to accomplish a common end.An otherwise(a) feature of scheme which inevitably to be seen at Sony Company is the cognitive schools which focusing on strategian head. Harmonizing to Ginder at Al. 2002, scheme depends on single s apprehension and how that single manages the randomness used to develop th e scheme.The doomed of Sony s leading place was due to failures of strategians to acknowledge the growing of virgin engineerings. This means the strategians did non hold adequate increase link up to market environment. This development would hold been get holded through gussy up abstract and could assist directors explicate the company s schemes efficaciously.Power School as another Mintzberg scheme focuses on power relationships of where the scheme is created. The power school requires of import characters in the organization to dicker bend and comfort each other in the procedure of scheme preparation. ( Betz, 2002 ) commented on his survey that scheme can be used as a incision of doing partnerships.Having a new chief executive officer, Howard Stringer Sony reported a sledding which was caused by failure of the company to convey up in advance(p) merchandises. The new CEO and directors of the company fail to look into registrations go oning in the competitory adjoin environment, and hence the adaptions brought loss to the company sometimes subsequently.WhittingtonWhittington s theory of scheme focal points on quaternary schools of classical, evolutionary, processual and systemic. The school which relate to Sony Company is evolutionary theory.Harmonizing to Doty et Al ( 1993 ) the evolutionary school focal points on the environment as the chief factor instead than coherent flaming suggested by other schools. The Evolutionary attack believes that organisational environment is the biggest factor in the preparation of forethought scheme therefore the preparation of scheme moldiness be reflected to the environment since it is unpredictable and mutable. In accessary to that the theory supports on emphasizing that net income maximation is determined by markets and non directors. Whittington concludes that rational attacks can non maintain the endurance of houses in the selling environment but it is development which determines it. In developme nt, ambition is overcome by the battle and endurance of the house from which the rule of essential choice is translated into the scheme for the best public presentation.Sony failure to be a draw in the global market can be linked to the evolutionary school due to miss of market information. Bing a leader in the market, top direction was estimate to be cognizant of the conditions predominating in the market including blind and technological promotion which could assist the company hang in its leading place.On the other helping hand, when the new CEO, Mr. Stringer took over the company he seemed to be less concern with the environment warpnatively he focused on reorganisation. The sections in the company functioned independently and made the CEO to see it as a chief cause of the company s failure to globalise. The Chief executive officer was supposed to look at what the company is bring forthing and do comparing with the merchandises available in the selling environment to k eep the leading place of the company.Successful organisations are those that to the highest degree efficaciously move with their environments ( Hambrick 1982, Pfeffer and Salancik 1978 ) . Organizational Performance is dependent on the organisation s competency to aline or proceed its schemes, twistings, and processes to its environment. Alignment depends on the organisation s ability to obtain relevant information about its trustworthy and future environment. Environmental scanning is the procedure by which an organisation collects environmental information, which is expendd in its strategic direction procedure.Therefore to be a leader and go success in its planetary markets it was suppose to scan its environment and any information obtained should be incorporated into the company s scheme every bit good as social systems and procedures within the company. epoch making that, the top direction has to do received that information is shared among assorted atoms of the compa ny in general between the sections.Corporate CEO is a undivided whose determinations take the company in the coveted way. some of the CEOS are leaders in the environmental motion. It is clip to acknowledge that their committedness is critical to success. The universe sparing system is now propelled by venture capital and proficient pattern.Barney s ( 1991 ) says that organisational resources are give tongue to to be embedded in the organisation, squad based, and capable to causative ambiguity. Such capablenesss are besides really oft in line with the modus operandis . Here we focus on managerial accomplishments at get offning the concern or a portion of the concern. The success of the Sony, at the pauperism was good known but later on the company experienced losingss merely because of its hapless organisational construction in which sections maps independently from each other. The results indicated that segmented and isolate work to team-based trading operations is i mportant to organisational market leading. Organizations operations should be carried out in line with chore forces for short-run job resolution exercisings, and with cross-functional and cross-hierarchical squads to accomplish longer-term aims and particularized undertakings of an ongoing nature. Moss Kanter ( 1983 ) argues that such squad mechanisms promote the circulation of resources, information and support.The tendency, hence, has been off from segmented and isolated constructions with small communicating and interaction between countries and different degrees, to a relegate of affairs where interaction and integrating are seen as being indispensable to operations. No longer do functional countries concentrate merely on their ain undertakings. Now they are made cognizant of the work of other countries and how they can be of aid to them. fundamental interaction through squads and webs ensures that the wider image of the organisation is understood. Team-based work ensures a m ore flexible and adaptable attack to work exacts possible the wider exercising of liberty and duty, gives rise to increase interaction, communicating and information flows, and makes work more sweet-flavored for those involved.Strategic DecisionsGlobally, SONY is perceived as the trade name whose merchandises are of high quality, with the presence of rivals the company has to do legitimate that it has a tool of competitory utility in line of battle to get the disclose of the approaching rivals and get larger market portion. In order to accomplish the planetary aspirations the company has to see the following important strategic determination Harmonizing to Gupta and Govidarajan ( 2001 ) , any company want to function its markets globally will hold to do four-spot nucleus determinations refering The markets the company wishes to runThe merchandises to vie in the planetary marketThe manner of come ining the marketTime/speed of entryPlague analysisOn the other manus SONY Comp any has to utilize PEST analysis to obtain the demand information which helps the company to analyse and bar the competition it is confronting. PEST analysis involves political forces such asGovernment policies and statute lawPolitical stablenessPublic involvement groups ( consumer watchdogs )Economic forces such asExchange ratesInflation social forces such asChanges in life zeal ( faster stride of life taking to a demand in products/services which enable people to make things more rapidly and handily ) stylus and tendenciesTechnological forces such asFast stride of technological renewingResearch and development ( a demand for increased budgets to maintain prevention with the gait of technological diversity )Opportunities for inventionThe cost of engineering ( reducing/increasing )Increased ordinance ( wellness and safety facets of new merchandises ) bring up analysisBesides Sony s SWOT analysis is one of the schemes which the company will hold to do in order to achieve its planetary aspirations. SWOT analysis will assist the company to converge its strength and failings a learnst chances and menaces available in the environment in which the company operates.Strengths for illustration skilled work force, good systems and strong trade nameFailings for illustration mismatched resources, high cost base and decelerate innate determinations.Opportunities for illustration dining economic system and fashionable merchandise menaces for illustration Global competition and patience repute.Porter s tailfin forcesIn add-on to that the SONY Company has to utilize Porter s five forces analysis as a competitory scheme which postulates the invasion that other organisations pose on the company. Porter s five forces include virgin entrants, Sony s planetary aspirations and High cost of entry to organize a barrier to entry rivals.Features of replacement merchandises as to whether they are, Cheaper, Different and betterExisting participants chiefly competition within the industry such as Apple and Samsung.Suppliers Supplier concentration, talk terms power, Supplier extension every bit good as Fixed/variable cost. nodes Buyer concentration, Customer trueness, Switch overing costs and Buyer motivations.Porter s DiamondIn order Sony to accomplish its planetary aspirations, it must be watchful to get the better of strong competition in the planetary electronics concern market. Porter s baseball diamond theory concludes that the state in which the organisation is based can strongly impact the organisation. Harmonizing to Johnson et Al. 2006, the state in which the organisation is based can assist in making a tool of competitory advantage by supplying factors from which the organisation can explicate the advantages. The factors include factor conditions, demand conditions, house s scheme, construction and competition and cerebrate and back uping industries. first base hypertext exile protocol // The_Porter_Diamo nd.svgThe Porter s DiamondOrganization s can derive competitiveness utilizing four factors presented in the Porter s diamond scheme ( Matsuyama and Vanderbrink, 2003 ) . The conditions bing in the local environment clime and policies can be tracked utilizing the house s scheme, construction every bit good as competition. information about competition and local market enchant can be collected utilizing demand conditions.If related to Sony Company, the lone factor conditions, which will assist to make competitory advantage, are invention and engineering betterments. Having produced assortments of electronics merchandises, invention will do the company to come up with new, good differentiated merchandises and quality merchandises. In order to accomplish its planetary aspirations Sony Company can utilize merchandise development scheme to ease its advanced patterns.Merchandise developmentNew merchandises in current markets this may intend abruptly new merchandises or loops of other me rchandises to do them more suited to the known market. The benefit to the judiciary is if the new merchandises are successful, the cost of marketing a broader place setting of merchandises to the market is less in relation to the larger grosss generated. The hazard involved here is that new merchandises can hold a high failure rate.Execution Challenges in the Global MarketMichael, J. ( 1999 ) International relation of production negotiate either by the market through internal minutess of the transnational corporation ( MNCs ) , are distributing quickly to the most parts of the universe.Porter, E ( 1998 ) Trade liberalisation has brought competition among enterprisers in the universe, as consequence invention remained the profound arm for concern to last within a market. However, alteration within an organisation is a measure frontward toward to acknowledgment of a concern menace.Menace of concern can be internal or orthogonal, whichever manner, Koontz and ODonnell ( 1984 ) Co ntributed on the issue of direction within an organisation Five countries were identified which makes directors to be proactive in their public presentations an compulsion with reactivity of clients, invention in all countries of the house, partnership means sharing crosswise stakeholders and derive connexion with all people around organisation Harmonizing to the academic school, the Kurt lewin alteration was assumed to be a necessary within the organisation if at all a company mean to convey alteration. However, Howard Stringer ( CEO ) of Sony Company has made some necessary alterations into Sony Company, which lead to some sensible alterationThe jobFrom The company expert analyst major job for Sony was a backwardness of oversing its merchandise. This job was associated with company civilization which prevented sharing information among other section.When main executive of Sony Company came to gain the job, new scheme was implemented to decide a job. The jobs were solved, but t he major 1 was to reconstitute the totally administration. February 2009, in one of ( CEO ) his critical addresss he said There is still a batch of the old Sony, and non plenty of the new which constraints our fight . Haward Stringer saidMintzberg et Al ( 1998 ) the school theoretical key scheme prognosis to do certain that internal and external capableness are step. This means a scheme should be planed diligently from the top to the underside of the administration, by meaning the major obstruction to impede alteration. Otherwise, alteration starts inside, where member of the administration, their mentality should be influenced to get by with the alteration required. Kurt lewin theoretical account argued that alteration has a procedure this procedure starts to, dissolving traveling and refreezing Cummingss and Worley, ( 2002 ) .However other theoretical account described lewin theoretical account gaining the importance of whole people ( members ) of the administration to back up is good thought to act upon pile get downing from top side of the direction construction to the underside by explicating why alteration was necessary for the administration. This may cut down the impact of opposition for alteration.Ivancevich and Matteson ( 2002 ) There different types of alteration, but alteration of look and height and values are the most major which in bend consequences to travel the administration at different degree of production. Harmonizing to the proclamation made by CEO of Sony Company early 2009, frontmost and for the first time alteration was for organizational civilization, beliefs come from the perceptual experience and consequence it is fruit itself.If the company managed to alter rung beliefs, turn negative height to corroboratory height the consequence is to do alteration happen. Harmonizing to Maslow s Hierarchy of demands, as director should understand the complexity of human demands.If this was instance, the inquiry which is raised that, how an employee can run into the organizational demands ( Objectives ) if the company director has non fulfilled an employee demands? Maslow s theoretical accounts recognised that, nevertheless a underlying demands should be fulfilled at least so every bit far as you gratify an employee demand from bottom to exceed of the hierarch, perceptual experience of many employees is security.Refreezing degree this is the degree whereby a company a company is looking to brace the alteration in a new manner, confidence to staff is made and they feel unafraid therefore they will be able to present the quality as required by the administration.Example is where by a company will come in into the market chest frontward with a merchandise which meets beyond clients the outlook such as laptops by Sony s merchandise. Very little and easy to maintain into a little pocketbook in fact person with piece in head has to come up with this invention etc. Therefore motive is most of impo rt if truly alterations are planned.The meet a end has been defined, a company will specify how far is looking to make in the market This inquiry automatically will be answered by the SWOT ANALYSIS discussed in the text above. every(prenominal) civilization has their say Swahili linguistic communication acknowledges the impost of the word the caput is a moist implication every determination should be pass foremost to the caput of the administration. Kurt Lewin supported that by back uping to render support from the caput of the administration.MentionsBurnes, B ( 2004 ) Managing Change fourth edition, England Prentice Hall.Cumming, T. G and Worley, C. G ( 2001 ) Organization development and alteration United statess South-Western College.Govindarajan, V. and Gupta, A. K. ( 2001 ) Mastering Global logical argument Hrsg Fiscal Time, Great Britain, p.98.Harris, N. ( 2000 ) Business Economicss Theory and finish Oxford UK, p.132Ivancevich, J. and Matteson, T. ( 2002 ) Organi zational Behaviour and Management 6th edition, north-central Amarica McGraw-Hill.Karlof, B. and Gilderson, A. J. ( 1993 ) Business Concept A Concise study USA Routledge, p.190.Mark Kennan ( 2010 ) Sony Corporation memorial & A land Online open from hypertext transfer protocol // ( Accessed 3 April 2010 )Michie, Jonathan and regret Smith, John ( 1999 ) Global instability the political economic system of the universe economic administration capital of the United Kingdom Ruthledge, p.112.Mintzberg, H. ( 1994 ) The rise and autumn of strategic be aftering capital of the United Kingdom FT Prentice Hall.Mintzberg, H. et Al ( 1998 ) Strategy drive The complete usher through the natural states of strategic direction New York Prentice Hall.Mullins, L. J. ( 2002 ) Management and organisational behavior 6th edition, England Prentice Hall.Raynor, M. E. ( 2007 ) The Strategy Paradox New York Doubleday Business.S ( 2010 ) Sony Corporation Online Available from hypertext transfer protocol // intelligence operation/cea/companyData.jsp? companyId=3938 ( Accessed 4 April 2010 )Sony Global ( 2010 ) Sony Corp. Info Online Available from hypertext transfer protocol // SonyInfo/CorporateInfo/ ( Accessed 2 April 2010 )Sony UK ( 2010 ) The History of the Sony Corporation Online Available from hypertext transfer protocol // ( Accessed 2 April 2010 ) ( 2007 ) The History of Sony Corporation Online Available from hypertext transfer protocol // ( Accessed 4 April 2010 )Whittington, R ( 2001 ) What is scheme, and does it count? 2nd edition, London Thomson.
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