Friday, June 14, 2019

The Competing Value Framework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Competing Value Framework - Essay ExampleIt is important in determining the enduringness of the organization and as well is regarded as one of the important subjects in the organizational development which helps in improving the environment of the organization. It is regarded important for increasing the performance of the employees of the organization. The feasibility of the framework has been tested by various leading organizations and also by various business schools. It has served useful in understanding the marketing activities and also helps in successful integration of the marketing activities. The CVF framework helps in serving as a purposeful guide for the organizational mechanism and also regarded as a sense making device for the generation of new ideas, learning system etc. The get will give an insight into the CVF framework and its related activities, benefits, disadvantages. Finally, the study will conclude with recommendations which can improve the existing org anizational system through the CVF framework. Background of Competing Value Framework The CVF framework evolved 25 years agone during the research and development on organizational effectiveness and culture (Walsh, 2002). The concept of organizational effectiveness is difficult and does not help in determining the distinguishable aspects of the organizational culture. ... The first aspect relates to focus of the employees in attainment of organizational objectives which lays vehemence on the welfare of the employees of the organization. The second aspect relates to the design of a unattackable organizational complex body part which lays emphasis on flexibility and stability. Both these dimensions relates to effectiveness criteria and authors Quinn and Rohrbaugh (cited in Cameron & Quinn, 2006) had named the four models as human relational, internal process, open system and intellectual goal model (Reed & Gordon, 2000). It was observed by this author that the CVF framework helps in resolving the organizational conflicts and then resume on the configuration of the coalition structure and also the dominant perception of success. The effectiveness of criteria of these varied dimensional models is based on the fact to improve the organizational structure (Ofori & Ranasinghe, 2000). The framework basically lays emphasis on the fact that whether they can deal with the problems and also evaluate the effectiveness in solving the problems. There is a close relationship between the organizational development and the four stages of organizational life cycle. The four stages include the entrepreneurial, collectivity, formalization and control stage and also the elaboration of the structure stage. As per authors observation the different stages of organizational life cycle helps in facilitating the process of informal communication smoothly, development of a strong organizational structure and also promoting sense of cooperativeness among the organizational members (Ro keach, 2000). As per the observation of the authors the CVF framework helps in bringing stability in the organization, innovation and creativity

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