Monday, September 30, 2019
Character and plot Essay
Discuss the ways in which Arthur Miller uses the characters of Alfieri to highlight cultural differences and to develop the audience’s understanding of theme, character and plot. Arthur Millers ‘A View from The Bridge’ uses a character called Alfieri to introduce characters, the plot and theme of the story. Alfieri is an Italian American meaning he was born in Italy and immigrated to American to work. . He is a man of his 50’s and in this story, not only does he play the role of a character, but also a narrator. He makes us aware of the cultural differences between American and Italian culture through his opinions. He works as a lawyer; from this we can immediately tell he is educated and very wise. The immigration law changed in 1921-1924. This law only allowed people from Britain, Ireland and Scandinavia to migrate to America. This resulted to illegal immigration. ‘A view from the Bridge’ is about the movement of immigrants migrating from Italy to America. They moved because of the ‘American Dream’s which was people from other countries going to America to start a new life and earn a good living full of opportunities. The Italian migration happened mainly between 1820-1920. More than 4 million Italian people moved to America. Brooklyn Bridge and its surrounding areas are used as the setting of the play. The word Gullet is used by Alfieri to describe the place where they live. The word is a metaphor and it creates an atmosphere that is not very pleasant to live in. Alfieri’s first speech introduces the background information of Italians. Italians would hardly ask a lawyer for help because in Italian culture lawyers are not good news, they are considered to be connections to disasters. The honest and trustworthy Italians can be quite revengeful. They solve their own situations by taking matters into their own hands. Although Italians are settling into America their two cultures remain diverse. Repetition of the words Distrust, Law and Justice by Alfieri signifies them and the even suggests that the plot is based on these words. Alfieri understands both Italian and American culture and can conclude in his last speech how he feels about Eddie and what he has done. From the start Alfieri hinted that the ending of the play wasn’t going to be a happy one. He says â€Å"†¦ and sat there as powerless as I, and watched it run its bloody course. †From that, we can sense doom and that is why this play is a Greek tragedy. Eddie, Catherine, Marco use a lot of slang type sentences where as Alfieri uses long, well punctuated and sophisticated sentences. This linguistic technique makes the audience understand what is happened if they do not follow what Catherine, Eddie, Beatrice, Marco and Rodolpho are saying. The use of short, simple sentences spoken by the other characters makes the situation more realistic, makes the audience awake because it is very fast and the characters speak more often. Arthur Miller also uses a lot of exclamation marks so that the sentences are more interesting and so that the actors know when to shout or act exaggerated, this is a very good technique. With the use of exclamation mark the sentence gets energy. There is more attention than if there were long sentences. In the play there are four main characters. Eddie (a protagonist), Catherine, Beatrice and Alfieri. Eddie, a protagonist, meaning that he commits an offence without knowing it; he then learns his fault and usually results in death or suffering. He gains Alfieri’s sympathy towards the end of the play. Eddie loves Catherine not only as a niece but also as a daughter and a friend and Alfieri knows this. Eddie was over protective and loved Catherine too much which proved to be fatal. Alfieri knows that Eddie does not want to any one to take her away from him, but on the other hand, she does not belong to him. He says â€Å"And yet, it is better to settle for half, it must be! †Marco kills Eddie in Act 2. We do not know if he intended to or if it was for self-protection but in a way, this is revenge. When he was talking to Alfieri, he says â€Å"In my country he would be dead by no. He would not live this long. †Alfieri understands how he feels but tells him not to kill. He is in America right now and such a deed can result to a life sentence. He says â€Å"To promise not to kill is not dishonourable. †Italians are not as civilised as Americans but this is one of the cultural differences between the two diverse cultures. Arthur Miller includes many stage directions leaving the director making up more of their own directions. Alfieri plays the part of a character and a narrator making him â€Å"A view from the bridge†because he is looking and dealing with the situation and also telling the story as if it happened yesterday, this helps him to tell the story and give opinions making the audience aware, have a better understanding of the play, the characters and the plot. The moral of this story suggested by Alfieri is â€Å"we should be satisfied with half if not the whole amount. â€Å"
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Hae’s Murder
Hae orchestrated her own murder with the help of a third party to frame Adnan. Suppose the plan was to plant Hae's body in Adnan's car in order to frame Adnan. Hae's accomplice mistook Jay for Adnan (or followed Adnan's car, that Jay borrowed), and Adnan discovered Hae's body in Adnan's car, freaked out, and either confronted Adnan and they both buried the body together, or buried the body himself but pointing the finger to Adnan, or just left the body to Adnan to deal with. The anonymous tip came from Hae's accomplice. The tip was specific about pinning it on one particular person.The body was buried in a way that wanted to be found (shallow grave of 6 inches). Mr S probably received a tip or heard a rumor about the grave. Someone wanted the body to be found and led to Adnan. If Adnan had premeditated the murder, he could have pre-dug grave or dug deeper grave. It seems far fetched but we hardly know anything about Hae, except for her diary, her post-breakup letter to Adnan, and some of her Lacrosse buddies called her a tick, as in a very competitive spirit who could not let go. The picture she painted of their relationship in her diary sounded like she was more into Adnan than he was. He recounted being upset about the break up for a while but got over it because it's just high school stuff.She was in love with him despite him calling her the devil, and his sin, and endured public embarrassment by his parents at the homecoming dance. Adnan and his friends thought it was funny.Aisha recounted that Hae didn't think it was funny.Hae wrote in her diary that Adnan would have to choose between her or his religion. She believed that love will â€Å"conquer all†. She would need to make him see this, that she is above his belief. She broke up with him, started dating an older guy to make Adnan jealous, to get back at him and in hopes that he would recognize his mistake. Adnan would come running back to her and commit his undying love for her forever religion be-damned. Instead, Adnan got over her and started dating other women, multiple women, and is so casual about it. Hae becomes mad hurt, jealous, and plots her own murder to frame Adnan. By the time Jay (or Jay and Adnan) discover the body, they're probably high and freaking out. Adnan (who knew nothing) was probably having a hard time convincing Jay that he didn't do it and Jay is probably super convinced that Adnan is the killer that his mind â€Å"filled in the blanks†by the police investigation and made his story corroborate police findings. This would explain why his stories change from time to time.They may have disposed of the bodies together. idkThe identity of the anonymous tipper, the story from the neighbor boy about seeing a girl's dead body in the trunk, the coincidence of finding the body, all make me believe that there is a third person who indirectly pointed to the location of the body and blamed Adnan.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
HMV music retailer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
HMV music retailer - Essay Example The retailer must have had several issues that were affecting its performance in the market, which led to the distraught performance. First, there is a need to analyse the politics that govern the retailer (Boddy, 2008:21). The politics of the administration affected the running of the retailer in a number of ways. For example, after entering into administration, there was change in the way the business was being conducted. Since new administration comes in with different performance strategies, these strategies failed. Similarly, the political environment of the new administration was not conducive for business. It brought loss of interests as most of the workers and employees were not contented, which brought dire consequences to the retailer.The retailer’s economic position was adversely affected with introduction of administration. In such an instance, the retailer had to incur other costs that are used in running the businesses of the retailer. In this instance, the retai ler’s income was stagnant while the expenses of administration increased. Therefore, the budgets of the retailer were skewed as they had to get more resources to run the business (Boddy, 2008:14). This was a disadvantage to the business. The third aspect that affected the performance of the retailer was the social environment. Previously, the retailer had concrete business bonds with the market. This strengthened its businesses across the competitive market (Johnson and schools, 2008:18). This ultimately led to dismal performance by the retailer.... With introduction of new and sophisticated technology, the retailer is well prepared to make better and improved products. Similarly, the retailer is able to serve a large number of customers in minimal time (Mennen, 2011:11). However, with the introduction of the administration, there was minimal investment directed toward technological improvement. This ultimately led to dismal performance by the retailer. SWOT Analysis HMV as a retailer was well prepared to tackle the market in making substantial accruals in terms of profits and returns. The most prudent decision the retailer should have taken is relying on the strengths and utilising the opportunities it had (Boddy, 2008:23). Similarly, the retailer should have generated strategies to reduce the effects of its weaknesses and reduce the threats that would drive the retailer out of business. In the first place, the retailer had a strong point in that it was well-established in the market. The retailer had opened numerous branches i n many countries across the globe. Similarly, it was a strong retailer in that the demand for its products was escalating. However, the retailer had an internal weakness with the inception of administration. The administration was not apt in executing its tasks. Similarly, the retailer was not keen on extending its market share. This led to murky performance after the threats surpassed its strengths. The retailer had an opportunity in investing in technology and making superb approach to the market. Since it is a music retailer, it had an opportunity to invest in current and sophisticated technology (Pearce, 2009:14). A perfect example is Apple’s iTunes. Apple’s iTunes are appreciating a greater market share due to their compatibility with the new technology. Apple
Friday, September 27, 2019
Business Law Rubric 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business Law Rubric 2 - Essay Example In each and every country, there are legal requirements that ought to be met in the construction industry in order to ensure that there is compliance with standard expectations of buildings. A building inspector is tasked with ensuring that all the buildings under construction pass various tests in their construction stages to ensure that they are safe to the people (Mallor, 1012). Legally, building inspectors are tasked by the department of construction in local governments to ensure that they inspect all the buildings to see if they comply with safety regulation stipulated by the law. A building inspector is mainly concerned with ensuring that illegal structures are not erected since these can pose a safety threat to the people. Municipalities are often responsible for overseeing all the construction work since they deal with issues related to local governments. The building inspector gives advice to the property owners about the steps that can be taken to ensure that all construction work is in compliance with the expected standards. The interviewee is a potential candidate to work as a building inspector and this interview has been designed to get more details about how he views this career. As such, the interview has been designed to get more perceptions about this profession from the candidate. How the job is related to the law -The bank loan officers are compelled by the law to act within certain parameters to ensure that they do not violate the rules and regulations that are expected in this area. This career is related to the law since it is stipulated in the constitution all banks should act within a specific legal framework. A bank loan officer is responsible for vetting loan applicants to see if they meet all the requirements or if they have not been declared insolvent at one time (Cillers, 218). A bank loan officer is expected to verify all the documents possessed by the applicant to establish if he qualifies for the loan. In
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Case Company Report-Sony Inc Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Company Report-Sony Inc - Case Study Example Sony, a Japanese multinational conglomerate, was invented in the year 1946. It was formed by Masaru Ibuka who had a radio repair shop in Tokyo and his colleague Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo. In 1955 they produced the first commercial transistor in Japan known as Sony MK-55. Sony was not the first but its transistor was most the most successful in that decade. Sony had the most vital contribution towards making Japan the most powerful exporter in 1960s- 1980s. The company expanded into various areas such as games (Sony computer entertainment), motion pictures (Sony pictures entertainment), holdings and electronics (Sony Corporation), financial services (Sony Financial Holdings), music (Sony music entertainment). The co-founder of Sony was Akio Morita founded in 1960 Sony Corporation in America. Its major part of expansion was convergence that is linking of music, film, and digital electronics via Internet. The Sony Corporation has been accelerating initiatives in the electronic business which generates stable profits for the entire Sony group. The company aims at updating strategies in three core businesses such as games, mobiles and imaging. It has the business strategy of executing growth strategies in the emerging markets. The company engages into aggressive capital investment, explores new technology, and creates value added products (Gershon, 2000). The business model can be further more specifically divided into various parts as state in the diagram below- The company focuses on delivering high quality products to its customers. They continuously measure their performance in forms of different quality standards, review, and even focusing on customer feedback. They have specific quality management organizations in each of its SBUs. It has got service reviews, design reviews, verification system reviews to constantly measure their performance and focus on further improvement. It has even
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Reflective Portfolio 04243 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Reflective Portfolio 04243 - Essay Example The main aspects of CSR activities include the four main aspects which are human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption activities (Leonard and McAdam, 2003). Several companies engage in CSR activities to take care of its social responsibilities. Coca Cola can be one of the examples of the companies who are best known for their CSR. The company has taken up the responsibility to take care of the under privileged and provide child education. It also takes care of the environment by reducing its carbon emission by following the necessary environmental standards. The company has also taken initiatives in water conservation (CSRWire, 2015). The concept of corporate social media is utilizing the social media networks for organizational purposes. Social media can have both positive as well as negative effects on the organizations. There are certain risks involved with the social media. If there is a lack of supervision from the higher authority then there can be a chance of misinterpretation of the organizational activities (Bucaro, 2007). The seminar discussion began with the importance of the corporate social responsibilities and how it is related to the sustainability of the organization. One of the team members started with the example of Beijing TV, exposing the unethical activities of Toyota in China. He mentioned that Toyota deliberately took the advantage of a legal loophole and delivered car with no rear bumper. The car insurance policies only cover standards for the front and side of the car. Although the company did not do anything illegal, however, it definitely showed an irresponsive behaviour towards the consumers. He mentioned that almost all the well established companies are only focused on making money and hardly care for the community. To this ongoing discussion, I added another example of Apple Inc. I mentioned that the company had faced severe accusations of
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Expound deeper meanings of the movie The Strangers (2008) Essay
Expound deeper meanings of the movie The Strangers (2008) - Essay Example The review further finds that the film deviates from the usual blood and gore but focuses on being â€Å"suspenseful and brilliantly invested in silence†(par.2). Thus, obviously, the movie’s purpose is not to present the usual graphic flicks of violence and bloodshed in the name of horror but to illustrate the intricacies of human life, where the â€Å"seeming†differs from the â€Å"real.†Thus, the movie subtly portrays a hidden meaning that the house that appears to be safe hosts horrors lurking beneath the surface and the couple who seems to be so close are in fact distanced from each other. In the beginning of the movie, as the couple drives across the street, the audience views a serene, peaceful and calm neighborhood, with several houses that look quiet elegant and clean, with beautiful gardens. Thus, overall the impression one gathers is that of a safe and tranquil environment. Then the movie shows blood on the wall and a gun as the audiences list ens to a 911 report in progress. Thus, by contrasting a serene environment with the telltale signs of brutal violence, the movie reveals that there is a hidden meaning about the home and that all is not well as it seems. The movie then goes into the flashback mode, showing the events that resulted in the distress call. The couple has been to a marriage reception and they decide to take a retreat at the residence, which is the summer home of the boy’s family. Thus, for the couple there exists the presumption of safety attached to the villa. However, as the couple enters the home and takes a walk around the audience can feel a disconcerting aura around the home, which is one of the most significant elements for making it a subtle horror movie. The creepiness enhances as the film progresses, especially with the introduction of the girl, who knocks at the door, asking for Tamara. From then on, the concept of safety of the home dissipates and fear starts creeping in. Thus, the mov ie reveals that there is something hidden about the home, a lurking primeval fear below its calm and serene appearance. A while after they reach the home, James, the protagonist, proposes to Kristen, saying â€Å"I remember the first time I saw you,†which suggests that the couple have been seeing each other for a while (Bryan 2008). However, Kristen refuses. Thus, the audience receives the first hint that though they appear familiar with each other, there is something that separates them. As the movie progresses, the audience feels an undercurrent of tension that mounts between them. It becomes more pronounced when James begins to have the ice cream without waiting for his girlfriend, though he knows she will join him soon. The accompanying music in these scenes accentuates the tension between them. Subsequently, James offers the ring back to Kristen telling her, â€Å"Take it because I can’t take it back†(Bryan 2008). Kristen does not respond and keeps runnin g her fingers through her untied hair. However, when James offers her the wine bottle from which he has taken a swig, she accepts and takes herself a swig too. This gesture connotes to a personal bonding, which, in fact, does not exist between them. Thus, though both these characters act as if they are quite familiar with each other, their closeness is literally wearing off. Besides, though the couple shows certain intimacy between, their relationship does not seem mature enough to culminate into a
Monday, September 23, 2019
Viewpoints of Benjamin Harrison Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Viewpoints of Benjamin Harrison - Research Paper Example Being a farmer, it was mandatory that he was to use slaves on his plantations. Despite the ruthlessness that was being shown to the slaves, he seemed to have a soft spot for them. He was a nationalist who believed that the Americans had the same rights as Britons as well as other groups of people. His resistance to the obnoxious stamp duty against tea is an indicator of his resentment to economic injustices committed against the Americans. He would be very happy to establish that there is more economic freedom today. Many individuals can manage to live a decent life and have free opportunities to engage in economic activities without much oppression from the government of the day. In addition, the fact that the resources within the country are used for the good of its citizens and not foreigners, then Harrison would have appreciated the effort that has been put. Benjamin V viewed societal injustices from a personal viewpoint and attempted to do something about it. He went ahead to us e his own resources in the activism that opposed the bill that mentioned that the laws passed by the Virginia parliament were contrary to the law. He would be pleased to notice the separation of powers between the states and the federal government and how they are able to work in synchrony. In another situation, he condemned the enactment of the intolerable acts and joined hands with others to form the continental congress. He is on record for having desired to unite the Americans to fight against the ruthlessness of the colonial master.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Traditional and Modern Theories of TAM proof reading Essay
Traditional and Modern Theories of TAM proof reading - Essay Example Tense, aspect and mood are all features of verbs, which are words used to describe actions or states of being. Plato defined verbs as denoting action whereas Aristotle described them as having â€Å"a composite sound with a meaning, indicative of time†(Binnick, 1991: 3). Thus, tense is the foremost feature of verbs. There are also other features such as number, person, and voice, but attention in this study is given to tense, as well as aspect and mood. Traditional English grammar in general derives from classical Greek and Latin. Within this framework, each word is assigned to one of usually eight parts of speech, and numerous rules are learned for composing sentences. This was a popular approach for learning the language until fairly recently because its effectiveness has been questioned. Modern theories have shown many deficiencies of the traditional grammar approach, which is typically complex and highly prescriptive. In practice, "There are matters of style, matters of change (albeit extremely slow change) and matters of dialect" (Bauer, 2007). Furthermore, substitution frames for example, do not always help, and they can become cumbersome for structuralists to define for all instances of word occurrences. Moreover, differences between form and function can arise. Descriptive grammarians on the other hand attempt to describe the language as well as explain why it is the way it is, and various theoretical models are used for the purpose. In this regard, Chomskys work on transformational generative grammar was very significant in shaping modern linguistic theories. The modern discipline of generative linguistics made its appearance from the 1960s. However, as many linguists have experienced, modelling verb systems of many languages is a very complex affair. Bache et al., (1994) view the semantic complexity of language-specific categories as â€Å"the main problem in the analysis of any verb systemâ€
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Ways of the World Essay Example for Free
Ways of the World Essay The Reemergence of a Unified China 1. What are some of the causes that allowed Buddhism and Daoism to creep into China? 2. In what way did the Sui Dynasty unify China from 589-618? 3. Discuss the ways in which the Tang and Song Dynasties were regarded as the â€Å"Golden Age of Chinese Achievement.†Culturally Politically Economically 4. In what ways did women’s lives change during the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties? China and the Northern Nomads: A Chinese World Order in the Making 5. Why did the Chinese interact with their nomadic neighbors to the north? 6. Even though China saw itself as â€Å"the center of the world,†why did it allow itself to deal with the â€Å"barbarians?†7. Why did the Chinese government often give other states gifts that were in fact worth more than the tribute those states paid to China? 8. Who were the Xiongnu, the Uighurs, the Khitan, and the Jurchen in relation to the Chinese ? Xiongnu Uighurs Khitan and Jurchen 9. Did the Chinese convert large numbers of the northern nomads to Chinese cultural ways? Why or Why not? Coping with China: Comparing Korea, Vietnam, and Japan 10. In what political, economic, and social ways did Korea, Vietnam, and Japan experience and respond to Chinese influence? 11. What’s the significance of the Trung Sisters in Vietnam? 12. In what different ways did Japanese and Korean women experience the pressures of Confucian orthodoxy (practices, beliefs)? 13. Why didn’t the Japanese succeed in creating an effective centralized and bureaucratic state to match that of China? China and the Eurasian World Economy 14. What techniques or technologies did China export to other regions of Eurasia? China and Buddhism 15. Between 300 and 800 C.E., what helped to facilitate the acceptance of Buddhism in China? 16. What were the major sources of opposition to Buddhism in China?
Friday, September 20, 2019
Sonnys Blue And Everyday Use
Sonnys Blue And Everyday Use You will never say that these two stories are only mundane waste of ink. Reading these stories, you understand things you have never thought about before. However, what do people think? Did all of them recognize the same these authors did? Each of us should answer this question by own. Years passed but plays, novels on the theme, which James Baldwin Alice Walker talked about, are still writing, and films are still shooting, why? There are things, which we remember, and things, which we cannot forget. Whether this is good or bad is up for opinion. There are some of the most interesting and touching stories, I have ever read. Making my way through long lines of bookshelves in the library these two books caught my eye: Sonnys Blue by James Baldwin and Everyday Use by Alice Walker. After reading them, I understood how good they are for arguing about. All standpoints about these books are contradictory and varied. Nevertheless, you should read these novels to understand and determine what place do they occur in your life. I did. Moreover, I must admit that, they are definitely not just another mundane waste of ink, whatever they can be said to be. However, these stories are believed to be unique, talented and ubiquitous. They are worth of attention, as I will prove it through this paper. So, let me begin to explain. Main question In two stories Sonnys Blue by James Baldwin and Everyday Use by Alice Walker, the authors explore sibling relationships, demonstrating how siblings may feel both love and conflict toward each other. The main mission of the paper is to discuss and analyze the relationships between siblings in these two stories and to explain how conflicts are resolved or not. When I finished reading these two stories, words and snatches of conversations echoed around my head, so I could not sleep. I decided to read them and analyze in order not to be lost in thoughts. This at first glance frantic idea appeared to be overwhelming. All points of view about these books are contradictory and varied. I must admit that Sonnys Blue by James Baldwin as well as Everyday Use by Alice Walker influenced me a lot. These stories are two mysterious worlds, they can be judged or understood, but never wiped off. Creations of its authors, novels include feelings, words, and dearest moments. To sum up, reading these nov els is not mortifying thing, it is not just wasting the time. Anyway, they exist and it is nothing to do. It is mentioned in the source that Sonnys Blue (that was written in 1957 by James Baldwin) opens with the narrator, who reads about his brother named Sonny who was caught in a heroin bust. However, he cannot get his mind off Sonny. Sonny is related to the narrator they are brothers. They keep in contact, and after Sonny gets out of jail, he goes to live with the narrator and his family. They eat a family dinner, which then turns into a flashback about their parents (2010, , pg 2). The relationships between relatives (for example brothers) are always difficult and various. Not always conflicts between brothers could be resolved. Through the story two brothers (narrator and Sonny) are arguing and deciding are they brothers or not. They remember fathers and mothers death and even uncles. Then they have a conflict in interests, when Sonny claimed that he wants to become a pianist and a jazz musician. As it is mentioned, they figure out his living arrangement for the remainder of his hig h school career. Sonny calls his brother ignorant for not knowing who Charlie Parker is, and argues that he does not want to finish high school or live at Isabels (a wife of narrator) parents house. Eventually, Isabels parents have a piano, which Sonny can play whenever he wants, provided he go to school (2010, , pg 2). During the entire story, two main heroes (brothers) argue and have a conflict. Eventually, in the end of story they have a conversation, where Sonny tells his brother about what he feels when his veins are filled with heroin. Sonny also mentions that he would not die in order to stop suffering (at least, he would not die earlier then anybody else would in this case). Finally, narrator accepts Sonny as a brother (even if he is a kind of a drug addict), when he hears how beautiful and magical is Sonnys play in jazz club. The story ends that way. Another story called Everyday Use by Alice Walker. It is said that she illustrates the importance of understanding our present life in relation to the traditions of our own people and culture. Walker personifies the different sides of culture and heritage in the characters of Dee and the mother (the narrator). Dee can be seen to represent a materialistic, complex, and modern way of life where culture and heritage are to be valued only for their trendy-ness and aesthetic appeal. Mother represents a way of life where culture and heritage are valued for both its usefulness as well as its personal significance (2003, pg 1, ). Thus, it must be mentioned that this story contains a conflict between two women (Dee and the mother). Main conflict in the story is that Dee struggle because of creating identity for herself. She wants to change her name. Moreover, her strict heritage can be defined as that of Afro Americans. The point is that Dee was named after her grandmother and aunt. It was a kind of tradition. Finally, through the story Walker illustrates readers that culture is neither name changes nor speaking a foreign tongue. Ones culture and heritage are taught, from one generation to the next, not suddenly picked up or acquired. A person who possesses real heritage and culture make use of it every day of their life (2003, pg 1, ). Conclusion In conclusion, I must admit that both stories touch conflicts and problems that modern people face in their routine daily life very often. The value of these stories is definitely great in nowadays culture, because people can gain some experience from them and look for some answers for their questions. The main mission of the paper was to discuss and analyze the relationships between siblings in these two stories and to explain how conflicts are resolved or not. I believe mission is completed. Sonnys Blue by James Baldwin and Everyday Use by Alice Walker are obviously talented and useful stories in our fast moving contemporary world.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Joan Of Arc Essay -- Biography Biographies Maid of Orleans Essays
Joan of Arc Joan of Arc, first known as Jeanne d'Arc, was born in the village of Domremy, in the Champagne district of northeastern France. She was born on January 6, 1412 and died May 30,1431 at the age of 19. Joan is a French national heroin and a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. She rescued France from defeat during the "Hundred Years War" against England. In honor of her victory she is often called the Maid of Orleans. This is a story of her life. Joan was not a well-educated woman. She had never learned to read or write but was skilled in sewing and spinning. Her deeply religious mother and father, Isabelle and Jacques d'Arc raised her. Joan's father was a small peasant farmer, poor but not needy. Joan was the youngest of a family of five. She grew up herding cattle and sheep and helping in the fields during the harvest. Joan often referred to herself as Jeanne la Pucelle (Joan the Maid.) Joan, like most other children, spent much time praying to the statues of saints that stood around the church in her village. At the age of 13 in the summer of 1425, she began having religious visions and hearing what she believed were voices of saints. They started occuring once a week and as she got older they happened daily. She said the voices told her to always behave, obey her parents, pray, etc. She claimed they were the voices of St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret. She was said to be a Clair Voyant, a person who has knowledge of events happening far away or in the futures without using any of the five senses. The visions and voices never left her. Finally, four years later she was convinced that God had chosen her to help King Charles VII clear the English from French land. Joan set out to Vancoulers to ask the military commander Robert Baudricourt, for an escort to visit the king. The commander did not take her seriously at first and laughed. Eventually he gave her what she wanted. At the age of 17 in 1429 Joan left to fulfill her first mission or triumph. King Charles VII had been king for 7 years prior. His main enemies were the English and the Burgundians, who supported the English. Both parties controlled Paris and the northern part of France. His enemies did not accept the King. Charles had never been crowned because where kings were crowned was in enemy territory. Meanwhile the military situation of King Cha... ...sisted that her visions and voices came from God. Charles, whom Joan had helped crown, sent no one to rescue her. Months later Joan was sentenced to death by a French Clergy. She was burned at the stake before a large crowd in a marketplace of Rouen, France on May 30, 1431. Her courageous death had caused many to believe they had witnessed the martyrdom of a Saint. Martyrdom is the extreme suffering of a person because of heretics, or strong opinions. Joan did not receive a Christian Burial. Instead her ashes were thrown into the Seine River. In 1455 her family called for a new trial. In 1456, a mere 25 years later, Pope Calixtus III declared that Joan was innocent in the end. Almost 500 years later in 1909 Pope Pius X beatified her, or proclaimed her to exalt above all others. Which is a step towards canonization, or sainthood in the Roman Catholic Church. In 1920, almost 500 years after her death, the Catholic Church canonized Joan, or declared her to be a saint. Her feast day is celebrated the day of her death, May 30. Today many authors write about Joan of Arc. Patriots, people studying the super natural, supporters of women's rights, and many more admire her.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Outstanding Outsourcing Essay example -- Essays, Papers, Globalization
Outstanding Outsourcing â€Å"It (outsourcing) is not a our father’s traditional foreign trade. Goods are not being traded. Offshore production is not a case of US making good X and trading it (to another country) for good Y. It is a case of the US ceasing to make X in the US and making it (in another country) instead†(â€Å"Outsourcing champs say India critical to their success†). This quote leads to the differences between outsourcing and trade. Trade is a matter that had threatened the unskilled people in the labor force, which encouraged many of them to learn some sort of skill. Unlike trade, however, outsourcing is a threat to skilled workers. It is true that outsourcing had been around for many years and that it is no new matter. Yet outsourcing has gained more attention than ever because of all the recent layoffs and cost-cuttings that the U.S. economy has been suffering through. The option that American companies, specifically the software and IT sectors, have turned t o is outsourcing to the Third World countries such as India. Although companies benefit from such activities, do the skilled workers of the U.S. share the same fate? How does the Leak, Match, Trap Theory apply to this situation and can it help predict the outcome? And is India affected by the U.S. outsourcing? The U.S. is better at providing services. Service workers, such as the computer programmers and electrical engineers, really have no worries about trade and are rather immune to it. In spite of that, outsourcing is like a virus to them. It started with the recession that was gradually creeping up on to the U.S. economy as unemployment was beginning to rise in the late 1990’s. September 11, 2001 only made the situation worse by adding more s... ... expansion spree in India†. India Abroad (International Weekly Newspaper). April 23, 2004. Gumpert, David E. â€Å"Misadventures in Indian Outsourcing†. April 1, 2004. Irwin, Douglas A. Free Trade Under Fire. Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey. 2003. Luckovich, Mike for the comic strip on the cover sheet. THE DENVER POST. February 21, 2004. McKay, Jim. â€Å"Why did jobs go? Look in Bangalore†. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. March 21, 2004. â€Å"Outsourcing champs say India critical to their success†. The Economic Times.,prtpage-1.cms February 23,2004. â€Å"Outsourcing good for US economy†. March31,2004.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Bombing of Hiroshima – source related study
Source A is a picture source, which shows the mass devastation caused by the atomic bomb at Hiroshima. The source is an Ariel photograph, which was taken at the heart of Hiroshima, it was taken a day after the bomb was dropped. Source B is an eyewitness account of the bombs consequences and describes the people around him. Source A focuses on the geographical consequence of the bomb. From the source we can see mass destruction and devastation, there seems to be no signs of life what so ever. There is absolute destruction shown and there is only really one house visible, which is crumbling down into pieces. We see a large area (we can even see the mountains in the background, showing the extent of the damage) as the picture is quite wide and the picture is visually powerful, it shows the viewer a lot, as a picture paints a thousand words. It shows much more than any text would describe. It shows exactly what the Americans wanted to see, destruction to force the Japanese to surrender. It shows the power of the atomic bomb, approximately equivalent to the power of 100 million tons of TNT. The source may be taken for propaganda. It shows annihilation and this represents power. This may have been used to show the American people that the country was still powerful and get their moral up after losing hundreds of thousands of American lives. It may also have been used to show the rest of the world Americas supremacy. It does this very well. The source is extremely useful as it is a clear Ariel photograph which displays a wide area of land in which we can see the physical effects, which ultimately is high devastation. But the source can be unhelpful in some respects as it is only one area of Hiroshima and so there may not have been that much devastation overall. It may be the not be as bad as other parts and could be exaggerated. But ultimately the bomb had a large radius and would have destroyed a large area quite easily. Source B is an account by Mr Kazuo, it is an eyewitness account and so the source should be quite reliable. The source focuses more on the human aspect. He describes the gruesome deaths and mutations of various, innocent Japanese men, women and children. It gruesomely describes how people's eyes hung out, how they had holes instead of noses and how the skin hung like seaweed. The descriptions are extremely effective and gruesome and make people fell angry as innocent people went through such horrific pain. The source however is not as useful as it doesn't really focus on the physical side, although we learn bridges were still standing. It focuses much more on human aspects. It may not be as reliable as we think because the effects of the bomb may have tainted him, and naturally he would exaggerate the disaster to some degree, as the experience was shocking. He would have hated the Americans for what they did so would naturally exaggerate. Overall source A is a much more useful source as evidence of the physical effects of the Hiroshima bomb. The source is an actual photograph, which focuses on the land, and so we can gather much information about the physical effects. Source B is very useful in dealing with the human aspect of the bomb, but the visually powerful picture in source A is much more useful for the physical effects and paints a thousand words. There is so much mire we can learn and conclude from source A. it shows the true devastation to the land and shows the bomb and Americans left nothing standing in there way.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Z for Zacharia
C. O'Brien clearly portrays this genre through a disappoint world of nuclear decimation. This poignant tale conveys the features of post-apocalyptic Fulton such as consequences of humanity's failures, loss of call law and an indication of a post- apocalyptic event through powerful Imagery, setting and perspective. In Z for Zachary Anne Burden Is left isolated In a small valley after a nuclear explosion that oppositely killed every other living thing other than her own farm animals.Just when she thinks that she will have to fight for survival on her own she discovers another unlikely survivor that could save her but worse yet, could kill her. Through a powerful first person voice Anne Burden destroys sexist assumptions of women when it comes to survival. In the wake of any great cataclysm, there are survivors. These survivors are always the ones that have to face the consequence of humanity's allures, which in the case of post-apocalyptic fiction is the desolation of the world their l eft with.Writers of post-apocalyptic texts are interested in the impact of destruction on mankind and how our carelessness towards war could lead towards an aftermath of limited resources and non-existent technology. The perspective of Anne Burden being left alone due to the war Is Immediately established In Chapter 1 where she realizes â€Å"It Is one thing to hope for someone to come when things are civilized, when there are other people around, too. But when there is nobody else, then the whole idea changes†. This indicates the post-apocalyptic genre of loss of civil law and danger to the vulnerable.Being a woman, Burden's vulnerability towards a man forces her to be extremely cautious and watch Mr. Loomis every step. The reference to when Mr. Loomis first comes to the valley and she thinks â€Å"l had better keep him in sight as much as I could – until I get to know something about his habits†clearly identifies a loss of sense of security and civilization. In post- apocalyptic texts, a main feature of the genre Is that a post-apocalyptic event Is indicated, whether It's a nuclear warfare, biological warfare, ecological disaster or cosmological disaster.The setting of Z for Zachary evokes memories of WWW when America bombed Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Just Like extracts from textbooks about Hiroshima being bombed, Z for Zachary produces pop;earful imagery of the nuclear explosion and how it â€Å"rose in a great cloud a long way away, and stayed in the sky for two weeks†. The novel doesn't just explain the outcome of the bomb but precisely clarifies what caused the smoke to fade away with the reference â€Å"A forest fire in the dead woods, and then it rained and the smoke stopped. A significant idea of Z for Zachary is that although Anne Burden is only a girl she has been proved to be much more effective than Mr. Loomis. While she ran the farm and single-handedly looked after Mr. Loomis while he was sick all Mr. Loomis manage d to do was get himself poisoned and shoot Anna.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Investment Arbitration: Thesis Proposals Essay
I. Implications of Naming a Most Favorable Nation in International Investment Contract Disputes a. What is meant by clauses containing the assignment of jurisdiction to the Most Favorable Nation? b. How does this affect international relations? c. What is the present validity of such contract clauses? d. What are some known instances of Most Favorable Nation clauses being accepted or rejected? e. If surveyed, what are people’s perspectives on the naming of a Most Favorable Nation? II. Investments to Widow of Deceased Husband: Her Stepchildren’s Argument a. What is fair is the allocation of investments to the widow of a deceased husband when he attributes them to her? b. What are some arguments which may be posed by his children, her stepchildren? c. Would it be fair to divide the investments between all parties? d. How could one assert the rationale that the investments belong solely to the wife, the named inheritor? e. If surveyed, what are people’s perspectives regarding the inheritance rights of family members? III. International Investment Arbitration: One Judicial Oversight a. What is the rationale for having one international judiciary for resolving investment disputes? b. How would regional judiciaries do a better job than one international judiciary? c. What would become of US city, state, and national laws with the intrusion of a larger judicial body? d. Would individual freedom and democracy be affected negatively by one world judiciary? e. If surveyed, what are people’s perspectives regarding many regional judiciaries versus one international judiciary?
A Pursuit of Happiness a Movie Review Essay
The Pursuit of Happiness is a movie about a struggling salesperson who takes custody of his son, as he is ready to begin a life-changing experience. The movie stars Will Smith, with co-stars Jaden Smith, Thandie Newton, Brian Howe, Kurt Fuller, and James Karen, among many others. Will Smith, who plays Chris Gardner, is a great man deep down and just wants to do right, but everything just seems to be falling apart at the same time. Chris causes financial difficulties for his family by losing his current job and then has troubles with his relationship with his wife that leaves him and moves to New York. Without money and wife, Chris is totally committed to his son Christopher. Will Smith portrays Chris Gardner, a character who has strong wisdom as a single father and desperately wants to do right without complaints and his only hope is drifting away when everything meaningful falls apart at the same time leaving Chris bruised and battered. Financial problems, eviction, job loss, and re lationship devastation with his wife left no financial support forcing him and his son to move to New York struggling relentlessly. Fighting for a stockbroker job while homeless, the competition continues against twenty other potential candidates despite a multitude of difficulties including being arrested and broke. Chris never gives up with his son during this time. Chris accepts a permanent job as a stockbroker after his training is over and becomes very emotional. Knowing they will be ok, Chris tells his son that he got a new job and that everything will be ok now and they will live a better life now. Chris can lift the financial burden off his shoulders, start over, and move forward. Regardless of the challenges faced or the last dollar he had, Chris faced every day with potential strength and courage. Casting of this film was outstanding thanks to Will Smith who brought Chris Gardner’s character to life as a struggling individual attempting to maximize his potential with one motivation, his son. Jaden Smith portrays Will Smith’s son in the movie and actually is his real son. Jaden understands what is going on and understands that his dad is trying so hard to do right and to give him a better life. Jaden accepts everything that has happened and really sticks by his dad and encourages him that he can do it and that he can make it. Jaden is a smart little boy and I think they grew closer together in this film and built a special bond together when making this movie. Costume designs in this film were amazingly creative given the fact they could have wrapped this neatly in a package skillfully adorned with a red bow. Using a series of old, signs and raggedy clothing made the time in this film adjust transparently, making Gardner’s wardrobe more compelling and resilient like in the real life direction in the 1980’s. Some of the clothing Smith and his son Jaden wore in the movie was made in an effort to match with characteristics fitting homelessness and the painful turmoil associated with the close bond between father and son. Production designers created dramatic scenes using many different vehicles obtaining different views at every angle of the movie. A child like Jaden would be so motivated as to wear the same clothing voluntarily for several days considering the stench was probably quite overwhelming but this was a movie with homeless individuals so the matter was quiet. The visual and sound effects of this film were impressive and had intensifying sound and visual scenes that were emotional, heartwarming, and remarkably outstanding and couldn’t match any other performance. This film won many awards and had eighteen nominations and various other awards including, the ASCAP Film and Television Music Award, and the best Capri Movie of the Year Award. The soundtrack to this film was put together very well and matched all aspects of this movie, the soundtrack included songs from the artist Andrea Guerra. The soundtrack reflects on helping to depict the struggles of modern life with a contribution and very minimal in volume or touching in basic fashion on the hip, urban environment of the film. The cues with an enhanced bass rhythm are the highlights of the score for this film. The Pursuit of Happiness is a story of success, somewhat like mine in relation to losing everything, struggling through life’s failures as a single parent, unemployed , broke and dependent upon no one but myself to do what it takes for my child. I may have never been homeless, but I appreciate knowing the emotional experiences and admire his strengths and determinations to survive in a city full of insecurities and overwhelming poverty. This is a necessary movie for people to see and reflect on their own experiences. Realizing life can be changed in a blink of an eye, losing everything you have, that not everyone encounters in a lifetime. I would recommend everyone to see this film, take into consideration poverty and homelessness, and realize it is not a choice and that everyone has a story but no one will listen.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Saphenous Vein In Varicose Veins Health And Social Care Essay
Aim: To find the efficaciousness of complete GSV denudation in footings of morbidity, nerve hurt and return rates. Methods: 42 patients with unsophisticated one-sided and/or bilateral varicosities affecting the great saphenous system were included in this survey. Patients with primary and/or recurrent varicose venas associated with active or cured ulcers, patients with bleeding diathesis and those who failed to subscribe the proforma for regular followups were excluded from this survey. Complete denudation of great saphenous vena up to the mortise joint, together with multiple phlebectomies was performed in all patients. Postoperatively, limbs were examined for complications like bruising, hydrops, wound site infections and centripetal abnormalcies. All the patients were followed up for the period of one twelvemonth for return and betterment in centripetal abnormalcies. Consequences: All the patients belonged to CEAP category 2 or greater. The average age of patients in this series was 33 old ages ( run 20-48 old ages, SD + 8.24 ) . There were 31 ( 74 % ) were males and 11 ( 26 % ) were females. Majority of the patients presented with blunt hurting in legs. 9 ( 21.4 % ) patients presented with bilateral varicosities affecting the GSV, whereas 20 ( 47.6 ) and 13 ( 31 % ) patients presented with right and left sided disease severally. 7 patients presented with some centripetal abnormalcies at foremost follow up. These were impermanent and spontaneously subsided within 4-6 hebdomads. None of the patient came back with return within a average follow-up period of one twelvemonth. Decision: We conclude that since lasting complication rates do non significantly differ from those secondary to knee degree denudation of GSV and with a low return, and reoperation rates, abandoning complete denudation of the saphenous vena to the mortise joint is non the right determination presently. Cardinal Wordss: G S V, entire denudation, saphenous nervus hurt Introduction: Varicose venas are the most common of all the vascular upsets that affect worlds. Visible varicose venas affecting great saphenous system ( GSS ) affect 10-15 % of work forces and 20- 25 % of women1. The purpose of the intervention for this awful disease is to obtain an acceptable consequence in footings of cosmetics and to alleviate patient & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s ailments. Different mode of interventions for varicose venas include compaction stockings, froth sclerotherapy and assorted intravenous extirpation techniques 2-4 ; nevertheless the most acceptable intervention for primary varicose venas remains flush ligation of sephano-femoral junction, partial/complete denudation of Great Saphenous vena ( GSV ) and multiple phlebectomies5. Though serious complications are rather uncommon, the process may do considerable early morbidity, including bruising, cutaneal nervus hurt, hematoma, hurting and uncomfortableness in the inguen and leg, and hazard of lesion infection6,7. Limited articulatio genus degree denudation has been widely accepted as the gilded criterion operation for varicosities affecting the GSS. This attack is associated with important decrease in hurt to saphenous nervus. However, the hazard is non wholly eliminated as reported in different series8, 9. Restricted denudation of GSV to the articulatio genus degree on the other manus is associated with a high return in the residuary segment10. This completely nullifies the advantage of articulatio genus degree denudation of GSV and doing complete denudation of the vena up to ankle degree an attractive option. This prospective survey was designed to find the efficaciousness of complete GSV denudation in footings of morbidity, nerve hurt and return rates. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From July 2006 to June 2009, this prospective survey was carried out at Liaquat university infirmary and different private medical centres of Hyderabad metropolis. In entire, 30 patients with unsophisticated one-sided and/or bilateral varicosities affecting the great saphenous system were included. Patients with primary and/or recurrent varicose venas associated with active or cured ulcers, patients with bleeding diathesis and those who failed to subscribe the proforma for regular followups were excluded from this survey. The diagnosing and degree of incompetency were confirmed by manus held Doppler ultrasound. Informed consent was taken and patients were given autonomy to go forth the survey at any point without saying any ground.Operative Technique:All patients were operated under spinal block. Injection Cephradine 1gm was given as prophylaxis. The scratch was placed 2cm above the median melleolus. The Great saphenous vena ( GSV ) was identified and separated carefully from the chi ef bole of Saphenous nervus. Once stray, the GSV was ligated, and olive-head stripper was introduced through a rent in the distal portion and negotiated to the proximal portion. The distal leftover was cut and so ligated utilizing vicryl plus 2.0. Another 3-5cm scratch was made at the sapheno-femoral junction, 2 centimeter below and sidelong to the pubic tubercle. Feeders of GSV were identified and ligated. A little scratch was so placed at the tip of the stripper ; the vena was ligated utilizing vicryli? ‘ 1 and was so stripped from below-upwards. Multiple phlebectomies were done for big bunchs of venas as the state of affairs warranted. Wounds were closed utilizing vicryli? ‘ 000 for tegument and chromic 00 for hypodermic tissue. The limb was covered with elastic patch, applied in caudo-cranial way. Patients were encouraged for light walk on the first operative twenty-four hours and were discharged from infirmary on 2nd post-operative twenty-four hours in instance of u neventful recovery. The follow-up agenda was designed at 1st, 4th, 8th and 12th hebdomads of surgery. During each visit, limbs were examined for complications like bruising, hydrops, wound site infections and centripetal abnormalcies within the distribution of saphenous nervus utilizing cotton-stick. The abnormalcies were characterized as paresthesia and dysthaesia. All the patients were followed up for the period of one twelvemonth for return and betterment in centripetal abnormalcies. Consequence: All the patients belonged to CEAP category 2 or greater depending upon the badness of the disease. This is depicted in item in table I. Table I: Clinical Phase of the DiseaseCEAP ClassificationNo of Limbs ( n= 51 )PercentageClass 2 30 58.8 Class 3 14 27.5 Class 4 7 13.7 The average age of patients in this series was 33 old ages ( run 20-48 old ages, SD + 8.24 ) . Amongst 42 patients in entire, 31 ( 74 % ) were males whereas 11 ( 26 % ) were females. Majority of the patients presented with blunt hurting in legs, followed by dark spasms, weightiness on drawn-out standing. With comparative frequences, remainders of the symptoms are elaborated in table II. Table II: Symptom Profile of the PatientsSymptomsNo Of Patients ( n= 42 )PercentagePain 14 33.33 Night Cramps 09 21.4 Heaviness on Prolonged Standing 11 26.2 Rubing 06 14. 3 Skin Changes 01 2.4 Cosmetic Concerns 01 2.4 In this series, 9 ( 21.4 % ) patients presented with bilateral varicosities affecting the GSV, whereas 20 ( 47.6 ) and 13 ( 31 % ) patients presented with right and left sided disease severally. In entire, 19 limbs out of 51, showed bruising in station operative period, whereas 7 and 4 developed lesion infection and hydrops ( fig I ) . In this series, 7 patients presented with some centripetal abnormalcies at foremost follow up. Figure I elaborate these abnormalcies in item. They were impermanent and spontaneously subsided within 4-6 hebdomads. None of the patient came back with return within a average follow-up period of one twelvemonth. Figure I: Post-Operative Complications Discussion: Nerve hurt is a recognized morbidity after varicose vena surgery. The most normally affected nervus is the saphenous nervus, which is at hazard of hurt during denudation of the GSV, peculiarly when the vena is stripped to the ankle11. Complete denudation, nevertheless, is associated with a low return rate compared to knee degree denudation of the vein12, 13. The argument between complete denudation of the great saphenous vena ( GSV ) up to ankle versus partial depriving up to knee degree continues. The reported incidence of nerve hurt following GSV depriving varies between 23-58 % 9, 15, 16. This was a clinical survey with simple methodological analysis and consistent consequences. In this series, the centripetal abnormalcies were noted in 20 % patients. This is comparable with other surveies describing more or less the same incidence8, 10. Lofgren et al14 showed that GSV depriving from the inguen to the ankle brought good-to-excellent consequences in comparing to high ligation of the GSV entirely vis- & A ; Atilde ; -vis centripetal morbidity, with a success rate of 94 % and 40 % , severally. Dwerryhouse et al17 reported duplex-confirmed reflux in one one-fourth of limbs that underwent restricted denudation of the GSV, at the 5-year followup, connoting that this pathology might finally show itself as recurrent varicose venas. These findings besides suggest that Orthodox method of depriving the vena up to the articulatio genus may forestall the harm to sephanous nervus but at the cost of a high return rate. GSV depriving at mortise joint is besides being shown to better quality of life in early post-operative period7. We have observed that depriving in upward way, utilizing little olive can go through towards the inguens easy with less nerve harm. Cosmetic consequences were besides satisfactory. None of our patient came up with return during the mean follow up period of one twelvemonth. The restrictions of survey were comparatively little size and its descriptive methodological analysis. For the reflux in the full GSV ( inadequacy in the whole GSV ) , the intervention of pick is complete denudation of the GSV to the mortise joint with high ligation and phelebectomies because of low complication and return rates. Nerve hurt may happen after both complete and partial denudation and symptoms of nerve hurt are transeunt and mild. We conclude that since lasting complication rates do non significantly differ from those of other intervention methods evaluated along with high success, low return, and low reoperation rates, abandoning complete denudation of the saphenous vena to the mortise joint is non the right determination presently.
Friday, September 13, 2019
The Report for the Task Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Report for the Task - Assignment Example Metal direct places prices on the basis of the daily stock price for silver while Rooksons considers a fixed price for silver that is reviewed quarterly. By offering to work on the basis of a fixed price for silver, which is reviewed on a quarterly basis, Rooksons presents a better deal. According to the survey the company carried out of 200 adult travelers while on the system at peak times, the major factors that may influence how safe customers feel when travelling on the service include: Of the three factors; travel time, number of people travelling together (trips) and reliability, only the number of people travelling together (trips) has an association with ratings of safety on the system. The estimated safety/ the rating likely to be given by a customer, who has travelled for 23 minutes, made 36 trips in the last month and gave a score of 6 for reliability is computed to be 5.252. The forecasts on safety ratings from the model are likely to be more reliable if the numbers of trips the respondents make using the system increases every month. â€Æ' The sales figures for the past thirty days reveal that Men’s Outlet Clothing is experiencing contractions in the business. There is no consistency in the increase of the company’s sales in the five weeks. From the model, the sales figures are dependent on time. There is a significant negative relationship between the sales figures of the company and time. The sales figures of Men’s Outlet clothing reduce as days increase. The recent reduction in sales in the last thirty days can be attributed to time. A closer examination of the daily sales shows that the sales will be lower on Tuesday and Wednesday. The pattern is anticipated to remain the same in the coming weeks with the sales still being lower on Tuesday and Wednesday. From the examination of the recent sales, there is no proof that there is any correlation between the low sales and the number of full-time sales staff. Men’s
Thursday, September 12, 2019
A critical review for article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A critical review for - Article Example The reason for choosing these three countries was the fact that each depicted a comprehensively contrasting outlook with regard to the role of adult members and their subsequent role performance. The studies are based on the assessment of the workforce division and government policies in line with this division. Countries from the region of Scandinavia have shown equal and positive distribution of work load between the adult members. To encourage the men’s participation and in comparison to maternity leave, a daddy leave was introduced that would allow the parents looking into the domestic aspect and possibly the children’s upbringing and other associated factors. Other countries have shown traces of encouraging similar trend and pattern between the members of family. For example Czech Republic came up with similar move and idea of making maximum use of the women’s abilities in a more effective manner. Other variables taken into account are the level of education, the number of children, the age group and other parameters and dynamics that have direct or indirect influence on the house activities and working patterns. Other questions put forth included the questions asking if the male family member should participate more actively in the household activities and to little surprise, the women supported the idea of involving the men in household chores undertaking. The aim was to assess the findings in terms of the variations that may have taken place between the span of eight years in which these findings and surveys were carried out. The question of happy married life and the potential causes of divorce and separation were studied in the light of factors that have an impact on the overall domestic environment and working behavior. The studied conducted revealed that the families with conventional mindset and roles assignment depicted low rates of instability. However the increased number
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Social Media Effect On Teenagers Annotated Bibliography
Social Media Effect On Teenagers - Annotated Bibliography Example Why youth (heart) social network sites: The role of networked publics in teenage social life. MacArthur Foundation series on digital learning–Youth, identity, and digital media volume, 119-142. Retrieved from This is a report documenting a comprehensive research on social networking peer-based sociality. The author evaluates the effects of social networking in relation to teenage identity and status. He also compares social networking interactions with face-to-face public life.Butler, M. G. I. (2010). Online social networking and the impact on well-being: implications for school counselors. Retrieved from This author reviews recent literature on online social networking and its psychological impact on teenagers. The article identifies and discusses cyber bullying a nd sexting as the greatest negative effects of online social networking on teenagers.Dinakar, K., Jones, B., Havasi, C., Lieberman, H., & Picard, R. (2012). Common sense reasoning for detection, prevention, and mitigation of cyber bullying. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems. Retrieved from This article focuses on cyber bullying as a negative effect of social networking sites and its effect on healthy interpersonal relationships in teenagers.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Group Discussion Pocess Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Group Discussion Pocess - Essay Example This is basically because I got an opportunity to not only read about different views from various students but also to retain more as well as learn much better. This was a unique group as compared to the others that I have attended before. For instance we would sometimes discuss ideas on online forum and at other times we would just leave our messages and wait for the other members’ response. I could also leave messages and later on find responses from the rest of the members. Sharing as well as free discussing of information was also a common feature of this group. This experience is definitely relevant to group work in organizations since we learnt and shared a lot as a group about team work .Thus, each member in a group was tasked with a certain responsibility to perform and given a timeline. This is something very important since it teaches an individual the importance of discipline as well as responsibility; two great values in group work in any organization. It does not really matter to the group that it is an online class, since we were able to not only accomplish our set goals but also communicated and coordinated well; just like in the conventional groups. It’s all about knowing your role in the group and what you are supposed to do and at what time. Group work in an online class can be improved by setting clear goals to be met by individuals in the group, setting adequate time especially when all group members are available and making sure there are no disruptions to internet access. Finally, the discussion atmosphere ought to be responsible as well as supportive of all group members. It was really a great learning opportunity, very applicable in my
Monday, September 9, 2019
Compare and contrast the literary styles,themes and characterisation Essay
Compare and contrast the literary styles,themes and characterisation in one novel from the 19th century Charles Dickens Hard Ti - Essay Example The radical change in the cultural and intellectual scenario quite naturally received its manifestation in different forms of art and consequently the art forms emerged as effective mediums to cater the benefits of humanism against the institutional dehumanization. Since the late 19th century, a different form of literary response was observed towards changing socio-cultural scenario. The writers not only expressed their explicit desire to come out of the literary sophistication but also used their craft to deconstruct the oppressions that social institutions attempted to suppress them with. The novels of 19th century dealt with the ideal of humanism from different perspectives. The utilitarian mentality that was originated from the socio-cultural transformation and inclination toward dehumanizing capitalism was vehemently criticized through novels of the era. Consequently the tone of socialist approach that novelists of the time considered to be necessary to defend utilitarian aggre ssion took a conspicuous note through the 19th century novels (Brackett, 2006, p. 99). The tradition of novel writing in the 20th century expanded its scope beyond the limits of dealing with the humanist tradition as a socio-cultural reformative tool and focused to a great extent on understanding the diverse aspects of human existence in the modern socio-cultural and intellectual backdrop. While on one hand, in 20th century novels, evolve of the anti-hero protagonists was found, at the same time considerable attention was also provided to explore different dimension of the human nature according to psychological standards. The novels of the 20th century, on one hand showed that ego or the modernist prejudice is responsible for individual plight and on the other in order to justify their position in accord to this ego gradual transformation of the characters with growing course of the novel was explored to such magnificence that it also emerged as an effective as well as a realistic medium to portray the impact of modernist socio-cultural, political and economic situations over lives of common people from an individualist perspective (Karl, 2001, p. 86). Consequently, compared to the 19th century the novel writing tradition in 20th century reflects a radical shift in terms of narrative structures, literary styles, capacity to deal with themes of the novel and characterization. In order to understand the difference it is important to compare and contrast two major novels from two different time periods. Charles Dickens’ Hard Times and D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers can be identified as two major works in this context and by comparing and contrasting these two novels an attempt will be made to understand the differences between 19th and 20th century novels in terms of literary styles, themes and characterization. Hard Times by Charles Dickens: Hard Times is widely considered as one of Dickens’ major works that quite in a devastating manner c riticized social construction of the 19th century and consequently mocked the superficial traits of utilitarian mentality fused with Victorian social prejudices that quite in a planned manner jeopardized as well as attempted to mechanize the lives of common people by restraining their spontaneous humanistic self. Geoffrey Thurley has
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Theories of job design, the motivation to work and organizational Essay
Theories of job design, the motivation to work and organizational commitment - Essay Example Theories of Job Design have led a lot of organizations in the management of their personnel. The dominant perspective in the Job Design theory is the Job characteristics model offered by Hackman and Oldham (1976) which identifies five job characteristics that influence the motivation of the job-holder which has an effect on his or her job performance and well being. These characteristics are: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback. In sum, the Job Characteristics Model identifies the three psychological states of employees affected by the job characteristics namely: knowledge of results, meaningfulness of work and personal feelings of responsibility for results. Increases in these psychological states result in increased motivation, performance and job satisfaction (Hackman and Oldham, 1976). The Job design theory has its applications in the workplace in various forms. One is job rotation, characterized by periodic shifting of a worker from one task to another. Being exposed to a variety of tasks leads to an increase in skill variety. One example is the practice implemented by Pepsi-Cola Company, and known as the best leadership-development program. The company regularly assessed future leaders with its standardized â€Å"Pepsi Success Factors†.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Does income inequality hurt economic growth Term Paper
Does income inequality hurt economic growth - Term Paper Example The essay further applies the Lorenz Curves model in investigating income distribution in Nigeria and KSA. A deep Lorenz curve implies high level of income inequality in a country. That is the case of Nigeria and KSA. Over the past generations, concern about rising or high-income inequality curtailed primarily from a credence that it is one-sided. In the contemporary world, however, the sources of concern have shifted. The leading concern now is whether income inequality can hurt economic growth. Similarly, income inequality can also have harmful effects on the outcomes people value, such as education, health, happiness, democracy and many other elements that have direct impacts on economic growth. Current studies indicate that income inequality does not only affect people at the bottom but also affects the nation as a whole. The studies explain that the growing income inequality may be the reason that inhibits economies from recovering from the excessive recession. As per a report by OECD, inequality slackens GDP growth through hindering the accumulation of human capital. This trend hurts long-term economic prospects, as well as educational outcomes for persons on the lesser section of a nation’s income ladder. In its recommendation, the report suggests a check-up against this propensity by capitalizing in education and health (OECD, 2015, p. 1). It also calls for a more direct method of assistance to help reduce inequality without hurting economic growth. Furthermore, OECD established that direct cash transfers may not slow down the growth of GDP when these policies are smartly designed, as well as implemented. Depiction based on harmonised data that cover the OECD nations over the past three decades, the econometric analysis submits that income inequality possesses a negative, as well as statistically significant influence on succeeding growth. In specific, the greatest issue is the breach between small income households and the better
Friday, September 6, 2019
Knowledge Questions for Unit Hsc Essay Example for Free
Knowledge Questions for Unit Hsc Essay As a candidate, make sure you describe and explain your actions. | | | | | | | |Knowledge Questions for Unit HSC 44 | | | | | | | |5 | | | |Who draws up the Code of Practice for Social Care? | | |The General Social Care Council. | | | | | | | |6e | | | |Outline features of systems used in Lincolnshire in respect of confidential reporting of issues of concern. | | | |The council has its own policy which helps to inform on bad practice, difficulties between staff members and complaints ect. This is| | | |the ‘whistle blowing’ policy and it was designed in order to protect those wishing to make a complaint and to avoid such things as | | | |victimization. Although anonymous, complaints are still dealt with the same seriousness as named complaints although it is preferred| | | |that applicants with complaints should not be anonymous. | | | | | | | | | | |7 | | | |When the Children’s act 2004 was published it contained some major changes for the way in which services were to be delivered. Take | | | |one and explain in your own words the advantages this brings for the wellbeing of children and their families. | | | |The Childrens Act 2004 brought about many changes and most significant was the Every Child Matters campaign that runs along side the| | | |2004 act. For the Act itself the main change that helps in the work that I do is the implementation of the CAF. This works in line | | | |with the need for inter-agency working. I think this is one on the most crucial changes of the Act, and as the Victoria Climbie | | | |inquiry showed many agencies were involved with the case and through lack of communication, information sharing and joint working | | | |Victoria Climbie died at the hands of her aunt. One of the many advantages is local authorities drive for inter-agency working. | | |Through this many agencies are trying to change their way of working and with the help of the CAF more agencies are invited to the | | | |first meeting when a child has been shown to have additional needs. On the whole the process is proving to be more focussed on the | | | |child and family and this reduces any stigma for the families as in the past most cases where always referred to social workers. | | |Families and children are now seen more often and social workers can now focus on the more complex and child protection cases. | | | |Through inter-agency wo rking families and children are given the help that meets their needs and reduces the need for long term | | | |involvement. | | | | | | | | | | |8a | | | |Outline the features of the Dfes initiative â€Å"Building a Culture of Participation†| | | |This initiative is led by the government in their commitment to allow children to have a say in how policies affect them and to | | | |contribute to how a service is delivered. By listening to children and young people it ensures that policies and services are | | | |designed around their needs. This leads to better outcomes for children, young people and families. It also allows for policies to | | | |be effectively evaluated and evolve as necessary. | | | | | | | | | | | |9a | | | |Outline the Common Assessment Framework. Explain why this Government initiative has been introduced and its purpose. | | | |The CAF was implemented in 2006 in order to have a universal assessment form that could be used by all agencies and professionals. | | | |This was in line with some of Lord Laming’s recommendations after the Victoria Climbie enquiry. As a universal document it reduces | | | |the need for repetitive assessments and focuses more on the child and family and multi agency working. The CAF process can start at | | | |any time once it has been identified that a child has an additional need. Once agreed all information is shared between the agencies| | | |involved again reducing the chance of a child ‘falling through the system’. As the CAF is aimed at early intervention some one such | | | |as a school teacher can be the lead professional allowing more serious cases to be dealt with by social workers. As children can | | | |often have what was once deemed as minor issues and not warrant the classification as a child in need, through the CAF they are | | | |classed as having additional needs which allows professionals to work with the child and family. Once a child that has been | | | |highlighted as a CAF they can move in and out of the system as identified issues arise. | | | | | | | | | | |9bc | | | |Summarise the targets of the combined health and education initiative â€Å"Healthy schools†. | | | |The national healthy schools programme promotes a whole school approach to health. The programme is a joint initiative between the | | | |department of health and the department for children, schools and families. It aims to deliver benefits for children on improvement | | | |in health, raise pupil achievement, more social inclusion and a closer working between health promotion providers and education | | | |establishments. | | | |The public health white paper choosing health (2004) set a challenging target for 75% of schools to achieve healthy school status by| | | |2009 and for all schools to work towards this target. Through a planned curriculum schools can promote learning and healthy | | | |lifestyle choices. The four core themes within the programme are: | | | |Healthy eating | | | |Physical activity | | | |PSHE | | | |Emotional health and well-being. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |12 | | | |How does the Joint Annual Review shape the way in which Children’s Services are delivered locally. You may wish to discuss | | | |Lincolnshire’s last JAR and comment on how the recent Service restructuring has been a result of this. | | | |The Children’s Act requires joint area reviews to be conducted in each children’s services authority area. The multi-disciplinary | | | |team of inspectors review all services provided to children and young people aged 0 – 19. There are around 42 key judgements which | | | |relate directly to the five outcomes highlighted in the every child matters framework. Through the Lincolnshire JAR report published| | | |in March 2007 it was proved that there was a need for better facilities for all children aged 0 – 19. There are now plans to develop| | | |a further 23 children’s centres by 2008. Through this service restructuring the aim is to shift the balance of services from | | | |interventionist to a preventative approach. The strengthening families will work with partner agencies to deliver the five outcomes | | | |for the every child matters. This is where children’s services as a targeted service interface as part of a universal service. | | | | | | | | | | |16e | | | |Identify the risks to effective working caused by stresses on the work force and recommend what action can be taken. | | | |When work becomes too stressful for an individual it can cause a knock on effect throughout the staff team and the cases in which | | | |the individual is working on. The individual can start to have more days off sick which could cause other staff members to add to | | | |their workload in taking on those individuals cases. Stress can also cause the individual to lose direction and focus in the cases | | | |they work on and this can result in a reduced quality of service for those particular families. | | | |Stress in the work place can be identified early and then reduced by regular supervision. Supervision gives the individual a chance | | | |to discuss their cases and anything that might be causing them to feel stressed. Supervisors are then able to help supervisee’s in | | | |managing there stress before it gets to the point where it affects all that they do. Staff meetings are another opportunity to get | | | |together on a regular basis with other team members as it’s a chance for everyone to discuss their working role as well as any | | | |difficult cases they may have. This gives a chance for positive reinforcement by the manager on the work that is being done and also| | | |a chance to ‘brainstorm’ ideas that might help with the work. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |17 | | | |Explain in a short paragraph how the Social Model of disability affects children and their families which you work. | | |The social model of disability says that people are disabled not by their impairment, but by society that does not take account of | | | |their needs and prevents them from having full access to society due to physical, communication and social barriers. A large | | | |majority of the families that I work with fall into the category of being disabled by society. Those families that are most | | | |disadvantaged are those living in poverty. Families face multiple stresses which can affect a child’s needs. If a parent struggles | | | |to provide an adequate environment for a child this will impact on the child’s developments and the parent’s capacity to care for | | | |the child. | | |CHILD A | | | |CHILD B | | | | | | | |No dependence on social security benefits | | | |Household receives multiple enefits | | | | | | | |Two parent family | | | |Single adult household | | | | | | | |Three or fewer children | | | |Four or more children | | | | | | | |White | | | |Mixed ethnic origin | | | | | | | |Owner occupied home | | | |Council or privately rented home | | | | | | | |More room than people | | | |One or more persons per room | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |18a/b | | | |See 8a above. | | | | | | | |18d | | | |Using Lincolnshire County Councils Competency framework, explain how you would assist a member of your team to develop skills in | | | |risk management with regards to child protection. You need to be specific to an individual competency. | | |Using competency number 8 –Analysis and Judgement. I would be able to assist the member of staff in the above question. As part | | | |of the competency it requires the individual to look closely at the work they do and how it could be improved. Part of this is | | | |through having a broad range of information about an issue. In this particular instance it would be child protection. This could be | | | |done in-house through regular supervision. This can be through asking the individual to research up to date information and then | | | |having a question answer session on the information they have found. This shows that the indivual has done what is requested and | | | |demonstrates that they have an understanding of the subject that they would then be able to take into their work practice. Another | | | |useful development skill would be to assign the individual to a child protection case that was held by a social worker. The indivual| | | |would gain insight into the process of how child protection is identified and then managed. This hands on approach would give valued| | | |knowledge and development without risk to the family involved. | | | |Finally a child protection training course would be beneficial to the individual to again further develop there knowledge of the | | | |subject. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |19 | | | |What impact does placement disruption potentially have on the wellbeing of Children In Public Care. You should relate your answer | | | |the recent Government paper ‘Care Matters’ | | | |Most children who end up in care experience multiple moves. It is standard that three or more moves constitutes as placement | | | |stability. Child development theories say that repeated movements jeopardize the opportunity for children to develop secure | | | |attachments with carers and trusting relationships with adults. Children with behaviour problems, prior instability and the age of | | | |the child at placement have all been found to be important factors in placement instability. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |24 | | | |List 3 types of evidence that would be valid in court. Explain your rational behind each one. | | | |1) Video Evidence- For children 14years and under. Also for children classed as a vulnerable witness. Video evidence reduces the | | | |need for a child to be in court and to be face to face with the perpetrator. | | | |2) Court reports – These are factual based evidence which follow a mandatory guideline for completing. | | | |3) Records – Records are an essential source of evidence for investigations and inquiry’s, and may also be used in court | | | |proceedings. Therefore it is essential that any records on a child are clear and accurate and ensure that there is a documented | | | |account of an agency’s or professional’s involvement with a child and/or a family. | | | | | | | | | | |25 | | | |Provide three examples of recording information that might be deemed discriminatory and explain why, in at least one of these | | | |examples, the discrimination might pass without comment. | | |1) The child is ‘missing’ from the record – This doesn’t mean that the child hasn’t been mentioned at all, but that their wishes and| | | |feelings, their views and understanding of their situation, are not recorded. The absence of a child from the record suggests to the| | | |reader that no work has been done with the child, or that the child has not been involved in any work. | | | |2) Facts and opinions are not differentiated – Failing to differentiate between fact and opinions can result in the significance of | | | |some information being overlooked, or opinions becoming accepted as facts and which could influence the management of the case. If | | | |opinions and judgements are not substantiated in the record it can be difficult to explain how these were made to family members who| | | |access the records especially if the case holder who wrote them is no longer working within the agency. | | | |3) The record is not written for sharing. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |This account must (except in the case of responses to questions) be authenticated by at least one of the following | |Work products seen | | |List | | |Witnessed by |Name |Sign |Expert | |Include on witness list | | |Y/N | |I confirm the authenticity of the |Signature of Candidate | |work above |DATE 31. 03. 08 | |I confirm the judgements claimed |Signature of Assessor |TICK IF OBSERVED | |above |DATE | | EV 5
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Investigating the winners and losers of globalisation
Investigating the winners and losers of globalisation Globalisation over the past hundred years has undoubtedly made the world more interconnected including closer societies, politics, economies, cultures and the environment. The world has seen all these dimensions influenced by the process of globalisation and the resultant winners and losers. Primarily, the economies of nations around the globe have experienced the most significant globalisation process, with the foundation of this dating back to the 14th century. The globalisation of economies has resulted in numerous winners including most western nations, some third world labourers and international institutions. There have also been many losers including most third world countries, the environment and ironically even most western countries. Thus, it can be said that the globalisation process of integrating nations economies has had both positive and negative effects on the world. The globalisation of nations economies has undeniably improved the lives of millions across the planet, in both developed and developing countries. Economic globalisation can be defined as the process associated with increasing economic openness, growing economic interdependence and deepening economic integration between countries in the world economy. [1] By far the major winner from this process has been the citizens and corporations of developed countries. This is due to many factors that have come to fruition in the later half of the twentieth century. Specifically, the roles of transnational corporations, global financial institutions and consumerism all have ties to economic globalisation. Transnational or multinational corporations are corporations that have a headquarters in one country and operate in several other countries. These have been influential in globalisation and have brought much wealth to developed countries. The largest transnational corporation in the wor ld currently is Wal-Mart Stores, with sales for 2003 reaching 256.33 billion dollars. [2] With a sales figure of this proportion, Wal-Mart took in more money than many developed nations total gross domestic product. Charles E. Wilson who was a Chairman of General Motors said Whats good for General Motors in good for the country. [3] This quote highlights the positive aspects of globalisation for developed countries as often when transnational corporations win so do developed countries. Despite the criticisms that surround transnational corporations, they have been directly investing in developing countries and with their expansion into these markets, have actually raised the standard of living in many third world countries. The fourth largest non-financial transnational corporation, Vodafone has a total 207,458 million dollars worth of assets, where a staggering 187,792 million of that is made up of foreign assets. This shows the corporations expansion into core and periphery countries, bringing technology, employment and higher standards of living. Another example of a transnational corporation creating winners with the globalisation process is McDonalds. This is a prime example of globalization in both the economic and cultural sense, with nearly 50 million people around the world being served daily. The primary economic winner in recent times from McDonalds globalisation process has been East Asia, as in 1975 when McDonalds opened it first restaurant in Hong Kon g, it brought with it a high standard of professional service and the first restaurant to continually offer a clean eating environment, which customers came to demand from all restaurants later. [4] Another lesser-known winner of the globalisation process, are the third world workers employed by transnational corporations. Although the western world sees sweatshops as immoral and unethical, the labourers who work in these places are often being paid a higher wage than most of their fellow citizens. In 2005 in Honduras a developing country, where sweatshops are commonplace, the average apparel worker earned $13.10 per day; this is compared to the 44% of the countrys population that live on less than $2 per day. [5] This means through the economic globalisation process and cross border corporations, workers in developing countries have the opportunities to survive and beat the poverty cycle. The International Monetary Fund and World Bank have both actively been helping the developing countries. This has been occurring through loans, economic re-development and economic management. Both these institutions have played major roles in the economic assistance of developing countries over the past fifty years. A recent example is the World Bank implementing policies to help eradicate poverty through achieving universal primary education for all children. In 2006 a report showed that the United Nations and World Bank invested heavily in government schools in Ethiopia, as a result primary enrolment more than doubled from 22% in 1990 to 47% in 2004. [6] The globalisation of economies has resulted in many winners from the developed nations while also improving improved the standard of living in many developing nations. While there have been many winners from economic globalisation, there have also been and will continue to be many losers. The primary loser from globalisation has been the developing countries, who have supplied the labour and raw material necessary to fuel globalisation. In many third world countries, globalisation has had the negative effect of creating sweatshops, where workers are paid low wages to do hard manual labour in often poor conditions. These sweatshops are run by transnational corporations, that have the aim of minimising costs by taking advantage of the relaxed labour laws often in developing countries. An example of a transnational corporation that uses sweatshops is Nike, as its shoes are made in many Asian countries at a low cost and then sold in western countries for a profit. After the goods are sold and the wages paid, the transnational corporations take any profit made back to their headquarters or home country. This leaves the developing countries in poverty as the workers are being exploited for a minimal wage while the country sees very little of the profits. Another, problem associated with economic globalisation, is that citizens of developing countries are leaving their countries in order to achieve higher education, better job prospects and generally higher standards of living. This problem is called the brain drain and has significant economic implications for the countries involved. In the African nation of Ghana, an estimated 68 percent of all trained medical staff left the country between 1993 and 2000. [7] A large majority of developing countries are experiencing the brain drain problem and it is further fueling the poverty cycle, in which globalisation is playing a negative role. However, not only are the developing countries affected by economic globalisation, the developed countries that are often at the centre of globalisation also experience problems. A major loser that has resulted from the integration of economies specifically in times of economic downturn has been all economies, including both developing and developed. This is caused by the increasing integration and interconnectedness of economies all over the world, a problem arises when one nations economy goes into downturn and then due to the integration causes others to go into downturn also. The most recent examples of where this has occurred was the East Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. In both these situations, a crisis in one countrys economy, which was closely interlinked to the world economy, caused severe economic repercussions throughout the world. A subprime lending crisis in the US housing market eventually blew up to trigger the single largest eco nomic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The effects of this crisis are still being felt around the world today, with trillions of dollars being wiped off share markets, banking institutions collapsing and huge national debts. The problem associated with the integration of nations economies will be an ever present problem as economic globalisation increases in the future. It can be seen that the primary losers from economic development are developing countries; however, developed countries can also be losers. Another significant loser from economic globalisation is the environment; this problem affects all countries on the planet and has been getting worse over time. The environment has been abused and neglected since the beginning of the industrial revolution and today is currently at a precipice. Developed countries are the worst offender when it comes to the abuse of the environment. In recent times, the economies of China, India, Russia and Brazil have started rivaling the world powerhouse economies of America and Europe in terms of carbon dioxide pollution and environmental degradation. The primary environmental concern of recent has been the effects of increased carbon dioxide emissions and the effects on the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The resultant effect of a buildup in greenhouse gases will have serious problems for everyone including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, polluted oxygen and many more problems [8] . These problems have ties to economi c globalisation; this is due to many developed countries and transnational companies using limited resources and resultant pollution. Economic globalisation has been the driving force for sustained economic growth in both developed and developing countries. Along with this the need of transnational corporations to gain greater profits and expand into new markets has further increased the consumption of scarce resources and increased emissions. This is evident by the fact that developed countries are some of the worst polluters with America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand the top four emitters of carbon dioxide per capita and population in 2000. [9] However, developing countries are also increasing their emissions and speeding up their depletion of natural resources. In Brazil between 1978 and 1988, annual rainforest clearance rose from 78,000km squared a year to 230,000km squared. [10] The Amazon rainforest is considered the lungs of the earth and provide the vital ta sk of helping to remove pollution from the atmosphere. This means that the increasing economic globalisation has continued to assist developed countries achieve higher levels of consumerism and has helped developing countries achieve record levels of economic growth, which has actually had a very negative effect on the environment. This negative effect means that both developed countries and developing countries are both losers as globalisation makes it mark on the earths environment. There are positive aspects of globalisation as seen in developed countries, also now many developing countries are to some degree enjoying the benefits. In saying that, developing countries are still being generally exploited by transnational corporations and the developed world. Similarly, the planets environment is still being expended at a faster rate than it is being replenished or replaced and will surely cause problems for future generations. Therefore, if changes are not made to the mode and medium of economic globalisation, the costs will soon outweigh the benefits.
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